
This section discusses solutions for various exceptions you may encounter when using ODP.NET for TimesTen.

  • Exception "ORA-12154: TNS: Could not resolve the connect identifier specified" or "ORA-12541: TNS: No listener"

    To connect to a TimesTen database from an ODP.NET application, the Data Source attribute in the ODP.NET connection string must be set either to the TNS name of a TimesTen entry in the tnsnames.ora file or to a TimesTen easy connect string.

    If the tnsnames naming method is used to connect, verify that an entry in the tnsnames.ora file is associated with a TimesTen DSN. Also verify that the TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set to the directory where the tnsnames.ora file is located.

    If the easy connect naming method is used to connect, verify that service_name is set to a TimesTen DSN and that server is set to either timesten_direct or timesten_client, depending on whether the DSN configures a direct connection or a client/server connection.

  • Exception "ORA-29158: Unable to open library"

    If you are connecting to a TimesTen database, verify either that the entry in the tnsnames.ora file is associated with a TimesTen DSN or that service_name in the easy connect string is set to a TimesTen DSN.

    This error may also occur due to a path issue, if ODP.NET cannot find the TimesTen ODBC driver, which is located in the TimesTen timesten_home\bin directory. (Also see the next troubleshooting item.)

  • Exception "ORA-29159: Unable to read library"

    In addition to the steps for ORA-29158 above, verify that the server setting in the tnsnames.ora file entry or easy connect string is timesten_direct or timesten_client, as appropriate for the type of TimesTen DSN.

    See Connecting to a TimesTen Database from OCI in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide for information about tnsnames.ora and easy connect.

  • Exception "The application has failed to start because ttcommonxxxx.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem"

    This indicates that the location of the TimesTen shared libraries at timesten_home\bin is not in the PATH environment variable setting.


    Instead of "xxxx", the TimesTen release number is indicated. In TimesTen Release 22.1 releases the file name is ttcommon221.dll.