Using the Easy Connect Naming Method to Connect

TimesTen supports easy connect syntax, which allows connections to be made without configuring a tnsnames.ora entry.

The syntax of a TimesTen easy connect string is as follows:


Note the following:

  • A host name must be specified to satisfy easy connect syntax, but is otherwise ignored by TimesTen. The name localhost is typically used by convention.

  • For service_name, specify a TimesTen DSN that is defined in the ODBC Data Source Administrator and is visible to the user running the ODP.NET application.

  • For server, timesten_client specifies a client/server connection. The service_name must be a TimesTen client DSN.

To establish a client/server connection as user scott with password tiger to the TimesTen database referenced by the my_client_dsn DSN, specify the following connection string in your ODP.NET application:

"User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=localhost/my_client_dsn:timesten_client"

To establish a client/server connection as the current operating system user to the TimesTen database referenced by my_client_dsn, specify the following connection string in your ODP.NET application. The current operating system user must be either the TimesTen instance administrator or a defined TimesTen external user.

"User Id=/;Data Source=localhost/my_client_dsn:timesten_client"