About Python

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general purpose language that includes support for object-oriented programming and a robust standard library. Simple syntax rules make Python code easy to read and support.

Many platforms come with Python installed. Enter python at the command prompt to confirm. If it is installed, its response will include the version number.

You can find information about Python and download it from the Python website.

The Python extension module for access to Oracle or TimesTen databases from Python applications is the python-oracledb driver. This driver conforms to the Python Database API v2.0 specification. There is general information about the driver at Python Driver for Oracle Database.


The python-oracledb driver is the renamed, major version successor to cx_Oracle 8.3. For upgrade information, see Upgrading from cx_Oracle 8.3 to python-oracledb.

For information about versions of Python and the python-oracledb driver supported by TimesTen, refer to the README.md file at TimesTen Python Samples.