Using the ttIsql Online Help

The ttIsql utility has an online version of command syntax definitions and descriptions for all built-in ttIsql commands.

To access this online help from within ttIsql use the help command. To view a detailed description of any built-in ttIsql commands type the help command followed by one or more ttIsql commands to display help for. The example below displays the online description for the connect and disconnect commands.

Command> help connect disconnect
Arguments in <> are required.
Arguments in [] are optional.
Command Usage: connect [DSN|connection_string] [as <connection_id>]
Command Aliases: (none)
Description: Connects to the data source specified by the optional DSN or 
connection string argument. If an argument is not given, then the DSN or 
connection string from the last successful connection is used. A connection ID 
may optionally be specified, for use in referring to the connection when multiple 
connections are enabled. The DSN is used as the default connection ID. If that ID 
is already in use, the connection will be assigned the ID "conN", where N is some 
number larger than 0.
Requires an active connection: NO
Requires autocommit turned off: NO
Reports elapsed execution time: YES
Works only with a TimesTen data source: NO
Example: connect; -or- connect RunData; -or- connect "DSN=RunData";
-or- connect RunData as rundata1;
Command Usage: disconnect [all]
Command Aliases: (none)
Description: Disconnects from the currently connected data source or all 
connections when the "all" argument is included. If a transaction is active when 
disconnecting then the transaction will be rolled back automatically. If a 
connection exists when executing the "bye", "quit" or "exit" commands then the 
"disconnect" command will be executed automatically.
Requires an active connection: NO
Requires autocommit turned off: NO
Reports elapsed execution time: YES
Works only with a TimesTen data source: NO
Example: disconnect;

To view a short description of all ttIsql built-in commands type the help command without an argument. To view a detailed description of all built-in ttIsql commands type the help command followed by the all argument.

To view the list of attributes that can be set or shown by using ttIsql, enter:

help attributes