Retrying After Transient Errors (PL/SQL)

TimesTen automatically resolves most transient errors (which is particularly important for TimesTen Scaleout).

However, if your application detects the following error, it is suggested to retry the failing transaction:

  • ORA-57005: Transient transaction failure due to unavailability of resource. Roll back the transaction and try it again.


Search the entire error stack for errors returning these error types before deciding whether it is appropriate to retry.

Using the PL/SQL pragma EXCEPTION_INIT, declare an exception to correspond to this error, and retry the transaction when the exception is encountered.

Here is an example:

  retry_stmt exception;
  pragma exception_init(retry_stmt, -57007);
  retry_txn exception;
  pragma exception_init(retry_txn, -57005);
  -- Execute SQL
when retry_stmt then
  -- Re-execute the failing SQL statemment
when retry_txn then
  -- Re-execute the failing transaction