Configuring a Large Number of Subscribers

By default, a replication scheme can include up to 255 subscribers. A replication scheme with propagator databases can have up to 255 propagators, and each propagator can have up to 255 subscribers. An active standby pair replication scheme can include up to 254 read-only subscribers.

If you are planning a replication scheme that includes a large number of subscribers, then ensure the following:

  • The log buffer size should result in the value of LOG_FS_READS in the SYS.MONITOR table being 0 or close to 0. This ensures that the replication agent does not have to read any log records from the file system. If the value of LOG_FS_READS is increasing, then increase the log buffer size.

  • CPU resources are adequate. The replication agent on the master database spawns a thread for every subscriber database. Each thread reads and processes the log independently and needs adequate CPU resources to transmit to the subscriber database.