The Conflict Report XML Document Type Definition

The XML Document Type Definition (DTD) for the replication conflict report is a set of markup declarations that describes the elements and structure of a valid XML file containing a log of replication conflicts.

The TimesTen XML format conflict report is are based on the XML 1.0 specification (

This DTD can be found in the XML header file, identified by the suffix .xml, that is created when replication is configured to report conflicts to an XML file. User applications which understand XML use the DTD to parse the rest of the XML replication conflict report. For more information on reading and understanding XML Document Type Definitions, see

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ttreperrorlog [
    <!ELEMENT ttrepconflictreport(conflict*) >
    <!ELEMENT repconflict        (header, conflict, scope, failedtransaction) > 
    <!ELEMENT header             (time, datastore, transmitter, table) >
    <!ELEMENT time               (hour, min, sec, year, month, day) >
    <!ELEMENT hour               (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT min                (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT sec                (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT year               (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT month              (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT day                (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT datastore          (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT transmitter        (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT table              (tableowner, tablename) >
    <!ELEMENT tableowner          (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT tablename          (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT scope              (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT failedtransaction  ((insert | update | delete)+) >
    <!ELEMENT insert             (sql) >
    <!ELEMENT update             (sql, keyinfo, newtuple) >
    <!ELEMENT delete             (sql, keyinfo) >
    <!ELEMENT sql                (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT keyinfo            (column+) >
    <!ELEMENT newtuple           (column+) >
    <!ELEMENT column             (columnname, columntype, columnvalue) >
    <!ATTLIST column               
        pos CDATA #REQUIRED >
    <!ELEMENT columnname         (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT columnvalue        (#PCDATA) >
    <!ATTLIST columnvalue 
        isnull (true | false) "false">
    <!ELEMENT existingtuple       (column+) >
    <!ELEMENT conflictingtuple    (column+) >
    <!ELEMENT conflictingtimestamp(#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT existingtimestamp   (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT oldtuple            (column+) >
    <!ELEMENT conflict            (conflictingtimestamp, existingtimestamp*,
                                   existingtuple*, conflictingtuple*, 
                                   oldtuple*, keyinfo*) > 
<!ATTLIST conflict
    type (insert | update | deletedupdate | updatedeleted) #REQUIRED>
<!ENTITY logFile                  SYSTEM "Filename.include">

The Main Body of the Document

The .xml file for the XML replication conflict report is merely a header, containing the XML Document Type Definition that describes the report format and links to a file with the suffix .include. This include file is the main body of the report, containing each replication conflict as a separate element.

There are three possible types of elements: insert, update and delete/update conflicts. Each conflict type requires a slightly different element structure.

The Uniqueness Conflict Element

A uniqueness conflict occurs when a replicated insertion fails because a row with an identical key column was inserted more recently.

See Reporting Uniqueness Conflicts.

The following example illustrates the format of a uniqueness conflict XML element.

          <year>2002</year> <month>03</month>
   <conflict type="insert">
         <column pos="1">
         <column pos="2">
         <column pos="1">
        <column pos="2">
        <column pos="3">
        <column pos="1">
      <sql>Insert into table TAB </sql>
      <column pos="1">
      <column pos="2">
      <column pos="3">

The Update Conflict Element

An update conflict occurs when a replicated update fails because the row was updated more recently.

See Reporting Update Conflicts.

The following example illustrates the format of an update conflict XML element.

   <conflict type="update">
        <column pos="1">
        <column pos="2">
        <column pos="3">
        <column pos="3">
        <column pos="2">
        <column pos="3">
       <column pos="2">
       <column pos="1">
      <<sql>Update table TAB</sql>
         <column pos="1">
         <column pos="3">
         <column pos="2">

The Delete/Update Conflict Element

A delete/update conflict occurs when a replicated update fails because the row to be updated has already been deleted on the database receiving the update, or when a replicated deletion fails because the row has been updated more recently.

See Reporting Delete/Update Conflicts for a description of the information that is written to the conflict report for a delete/update conflict.

The following example illustrates the format of a delete or update conflict XML element in which an update fails because the row has been deleted more recently.

   <conflict type="update">
        <column pos="3">
        <column pos="2">
        <column pos="1">
       <sql>Update table TAB</sql>
       <column pos="1">
       <column pos="3">
       <column pos="2">

The following example illustrates the format of a delete/update conflict XML element in which a deletion fails because the row has been updated more recently.

   <conflict type="delete">
       <column pos="1">
       <column pos="2">
       <column pos="3">
       <column pos="1">
        <sql>Delete from table TAB</sql>
       <column pos="1">