Creating Classic Replication Schemes With Scripts

Creating your classic replication schemes with scripts can save you time and help you avoid mistakes. This section provides some suggestions for automating the creation of replication schemes using Perl.

For example, consider a general workload bidirectional scheme. Entering the element description for the five tables, ttuser.accounts, ttuser.sales, ttuser.orders, ttuser.inventory, and ttuser.customers, would be tedious and error-prone if done manually.

 ELEMENT elem_accounts_1 TABLE ttuser.accounts
  MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_accounts_2 TABLE ttuser.accounts
  MASTER eastds ON "eastcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER westds ON "westcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_sales_1 TABLE ttuser.sales
  MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_sales_2 TABLE ttuser.sales
  MASTER eastds ON "eastcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER westds ON "westcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_orders_1 TABLE ttuser.orders
  MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_orders_2 TABLE ttuser.orders
  MASTER eastds ON "eastcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER westds ON "westcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_inventory_1 TABLE ttuser.inventory
  MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_inventory_2 TABLE ttuser.inventory
  MASTER eastds ON "eastcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER westds ON "westcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_customers_1 TABLE ttuser.customers
  MASTER westds ON "westcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER eastds ON "eastcoast"
 ELEMENT elem_customers_2 TABLE ttuser.customers
  MASTER eastds ON "eastcoast"
  SUBSCRIBER westds ON "westcoast";

It is often more convenient to automate the process of writing a classic replication scheme with scripting. For example, the following perl script can be used to create the replication scheme shown in the previous example.

@tables = qw(

print "CREATE REPLICATION bigscheme";

foreach $table (@tables) {
  $element = $table;
  $element =~ s/repl\./elem\_/;

  print "\n";
  print " ELEMENT $element\_1 TABLE $table\n";
  print " MASTER westds ON \"westcoast\"\n";
  print " SUBSCRIBER eastds ON \"eastcoast\"\n";
  print " ELEMENT $element\_2 TABLE $table\n";
  print " MASTER eastds ON \"eastcoast\"\n";
  print " SUBSCRIBER westds ON \"westcoast\"";
print ";\n";

The @tables array can be obtained from some other source, such as a database. For example, you can use ttIsql and f in a Perl statement to generate a @tables array for all of the tables in the WestDSN database with the owner name repl:

@tables = 'ttIsql -e "tables; quit" WestDSN
           | grep " REPL\."';

This Perl script example creates a classic replication scheme for all of the repl tables in the WestDSN database. (Note that some substitution may be necessary to remove extra spaces and line feeds from the grep output.)

@tables = 'ttIsql -e "tables; quit" WestDSN
           | grep " REPL\."';

print "CREATE REPLICATION bigscheme";

foreach $table (@tables) {
  $table =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove extra spaces
  $table =~ s/\n//; # Remove line feeds
  $element = $table;
  $element =~ s/repl\./elem\_/;

  print "\n";
  print " ELEMENT $element\_1 TABLE $table\n";
  print " MASTER westds ON \"westcoast\"\n";
  print " SUBSCRIBER eastds ON \"eastcoast\"\n";
  print " ELEMENT $element\_2 TABLE $table\n";
  print " MASTER eastds ON \"eastcoast\"\n";
  print " SUBSCRIBER westds ON \"westcoast\"";
print ";\n";