Creating a Grid

You can manipulate the state and configuration of a grid with the ttGridAdmin utility. All operations that require the use of the ttGridAdmin utility must be performed by the instance administrator and from the active management instance, unless stated otherwise. Use this utility to perform all the operations related to the configuration and maintenance of a grid, which include:
  • Creating a new grid

  • Creating and removing model objects such as hosts and instances

  • Creating and destroying databases

  • Defining and modifying how the user data is distributed across the available data instances

  • Modifying the attributes of model objects such as the connection attributes of the databases

  • Querying the status of the grid and its databases

  • Maintaining the different versions of the model

  • Applying the changes made to the latest version to the model to the operational grid.


For more information on the ttGridAdmin utility, see ttGridAdmin in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

The ttGridAdmin gridCreate command performs the next operations:

  • Starts the active management instance.

  • Creates a grid with a user-defined name.

  • Specifies the path to the directory where the Oracle Wallets with cryptographic information will be stored. See Task 2: Set Server Configuration for TLS in TimesTen Scaleout in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

  • Creates the root Certificate Authority (private and public keys), a Wallet containing a client certificate, and a Wallet containing a server certificate. See Using TLS for Client/Server in TimesTen Scaleout in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

  • Creates the required number of data space groups as indicated by the value of K-safety.

  • Defines the client configuration of the membership service. See Setting Up the Membership Service.

  • Specifies if membership servers require authenticated access, and sets a user name and password if provided. See Membership Services Access Control in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

  • Adds the management instance and its associated host and installation as model objects to the latest version of the model.

  • Specifies for how long and how many old versions of the model the grid will retain.

  • Specifies if databases will require encryption for client/server connections. See Task 2: Set Server Configuration for TLS in TimesTen Scaleout in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

  • Specifies the cipher suites or suites that databases can use for Transport Layer Security (TLS). See Server Attributes for TLS in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide.

Create a grid with k set to 3. Specify a name for the grid, the internal address or the internal and external address of the local system, and provide the ZooKeeper client configuration file.

% ttGridAdmin gridCreate grid1 -k 3 -internalAddress int-host1 -externalAddress -membershipConfig /tmp/membership.conf
Grid grid1 created


  • If you do not specify the -host option of the ttGridAdmin gridCreate command, TimesTen Scaleout sets the hostname of the local system as the name of the host in the model.

  • TimesTen Scaleout automatically identifies the local TimesTen installation as the installation1 installation.

  • TimesTen Scaleout sets the default value for the TCP/IP port number of the replication agent of the active management instance (3574) if you do not specify a value for the port number. Use the -mgmtPort option in the ttGridAdmin gridCreate command to specify a different value for the port number.

To create the grid1 grid, TimesTen Scaleout starts the instance1 management instance. Then, the instance1 management instance creates the grid1 grid and its model. Finally, the instance1 management instance performs these operations in the model of the grid1 grid:

  • Creates a host object, host1, in the model to represent the local system.

  • Creates an installation object, installation1, in the model to represent the local TimesTen installation.

  • Creates an instance object, instance1, in the model.

  • Associates the installation1 installation with both the host1 host and the instance1 instance.

  • Creates three data space groups (since k is set to 3).


From this point forward, the described tasks only add and modify model objects to the latest version of the model and do not make any changes on the systems associated with such model objects until the changes made to the latest version of the model are applied. See Applying the Changes Made to the Model.

Figure 4-2 shows a graphical representation of the model after the creation of the grid1 grid.

Figure 4-2 The Model After Creating a Grid

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 The Model After Creating a Grid"

For more information on the ttGridAdmin gridCreate command, see Create a Grid (gridCreate) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.