Installing Apache ZooKeeper

On each host on which you intend to provide a membership server, install the TimesTen-specific Apache ZooKeeper distribution, which is a ZooKeeper TAR file located in the installation_dir/tt22. directory of the TimesTen installation.


  • Using Apache ZooKeeper as a membership service for TimesTen Scaleout requires Java release 1.8 (JDK 8) or greater on each ZooKeeper server.

  • All hosts that contain data instances, management instances and membership servers must be connected to the same internal network.

  1. Create a directory for the ZooKeeper installation on each host that you intend to act as one of the membership servers. You may install the ZooKeeper distribution file into any directory with any name you wish.
  2. From a host where you have already installed TimesTen Scaleout, copy the ZooKeeper apache-zookeeper-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz file from installation_dir/tt22. to the desired directory on each host.
  3. Unpack the provided Apache ZooKeeper distribution using the standard operating system tar command into the desired location on each host intended to be a membership server.

The following example on Linux unpacks an Apache ZooKeeper installation into the /grid/membership directory. A TimesTen Scaleout installation on host1 is located in /grid/tt22.

On the ms_host1 membership server, create the /grid/membership directory.

% mkdir -p /grid/membership

Copy the apache-zookeeper-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz file from the installation_dir/tt22. directory on host1 to the /grid/membership directory you created on ms_host1.

% tar -C /grid/membership -xzvf /grid/tt22.


The version of the ZooKeeper distribution that TimesTen Scaleout provides is shown in the name of the TAR file provided in the installation_dir/tt22. directory. For example, the apache-zookeeper-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz file in this example shows that the provided Apache ZooKeeper distributed version is 3.8.4.