Reloading a Database into Memory

You must perform certain tasks to reload a database into memory.

  • Check to see if all replica sets can be loaded: Before loading a database, it is advisable to run dbStatus with the -loadReadiness option to confirm all replica sets can be loaded.

    Resolve any issues with the elements of the database, as denoted by each element status, as described in Table 13-2.

  • Load the database into memory. The ttGridAdmin dbLoad command loads every element of the database into memory of their respective hosts.

  • Open the database for user connections. The ttGridAdmin dbOpen command enables the database for user connections.

Check the status of the replica sets.

ttGridAdmin dbStatus database1 -loadReadiness
Data Elements:
RS DS Instance             State
-- -- -------------------- --------
 1  1 mysys3host.griddata1 Unloaded
 1  2 mysys4host.griddata2 Unloaded
 1                         Loadable
 2  1 mysys5host.griddata3 Unloaded
 2  2 mysys6host.griddata4 Unloaded
 2                         Loadable
database1 load state: Loadable
Total Elements Loaded:0/4

Load all the elements of the database1 database into memory.

% ttGridAdmin dbLoad database1
Database database1 load started

Open the database1 database for user connections.

% ttGridAdmin dbOpen database1
Database database1 open started

For more information on the ttGridAdmin dbLoad or ttGridAdmin dbOpen command, see Load a Database into Memory (dbLoad) or Open a Database (dbOpen), respectively, in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.