Stopping a Grid

Gracefully stopping a grid can only occur if the grid has no loaded databases. Once you ensure that all databases are unloaded, you can proceed to stop the grid.

  1. Unload all databases. See Unloading a Database from Memory for details.
  2. Stop all data instances.
    % ttGridAdmin instanceExec -type data ttDaemonAdmin -stop
    Overall return code: 0
    Commands executed on:
      host3.instance1 rc 0
      host4.instance1 rc 0
      host5.instance1 rc 0
      host6.instance1 rc 0
      host7.instance1 rc 0
      host8.instance1 rc 0
    Return code from host3.instance1: 0
    Output from host3.instance1:
    TimesTen Daemon (PID: 4498, port: 6624) stopped.
    Return code from host4.instance1: 0
    Output from host4.instance1:
    TimesTen Daemon (PID: 4536, port: 6624) stopped.
    Return code from host5.instance1: 0
    Output from host5.instance1:
    TimesTen Daemon (PID: 4492, port: 6624) stopped.
    Return code from host6.instance1: 0
    Output from host6.instance1:
    TimesTen Daemon (PID: 4510, port: 6624) stopped.
    Return code from host7.instance1: 0
    Output from host7.instance1:
    TimesTen Daemon (PID: 4539, port: 6624) stopped.
    Return code from host8.instance1: 0
    Output from host8.instance1:
    TimesTen Daemon (PID: 4533, port: 6624) stopped.
  3. If there is an standby management instance, stop it.
    % ttGridAdmin mgmtStandbyStop
    Standby management instance host2.instance1 stopped
  4. Stop the active management instance.
    % ttGridAdmin mgmtActiveStop
    Active management instance stopped

For more information on the ttGridAdmin instanceExec command, see Execute a Command or Script on Grid Instances (instanceExec) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.