Verifying Clock Synchronization Across All Instances

It is important to ensure that the system clocks of every host in your grid are roughly synchronized. Synchronized system clocks ensure that timestamps of transactions and logs are accurate on all hosts.

This example outputs the system date and time of every host in the grid.

% ttGridAdmin hostExec date
Commands executed on:
  - host1 rc 0
  - host2 rc 0
  - host3 rc 0
  - host4 rc 0
  - host5 rc 0
  - host6 rc 0
Return code from host1: 0
Output from host1:
Fri Mar 31 18:16:51 PDT 2018
Return code from host2: 0
Output from host2:
Fri Mar 31 18:16:49 PDT 2018
Return code from host3: 0
Output from host3:
Fri Mar 31 18:16:51 PDT 2018
Return code from host4: 0
Output from host4:
Fri Mar 31 18:16:51 PDT 2018
Return code from host5: 0
Output from host5:
Fri Mar 31 18:16:50 PDT 2018
Return code from host6: 0
Output from host6:
Fri Mar 31 18:16:52 PDT 2018

In case that the system clock of a host is not synchronized with the other hosts, adjust the system clock on that specific host. You can use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to ensure that the system clock of your hosts are synchronized.