Prometheus Exporter Authentication

In order to monitor database health and operation, TimesTen collects metrics from a variety of sources. TimesTen Prometheus Exporter converts these metrics into the form used by Prometheus Monitoring. This integration allows customers to add TimesTen to the systems that they monitor with Prometheus.

Prometheus includes its own time-series database and time-series query language. You can use Prometheus directly to construct near real-time graphs of metrics or to create programmable alerts.

The TimesTen exporter, implemented as the ttExporter utility, is supported in both TimesTen Classic and TimesTen Scaleout. It is not configured to run by default. It supports client certificate authentication (mutual TLS) or no authentication. While it is typical for Prometheus exporters to operate with no security, the default configuration of the TimesTen exporter is client certificate authentication. An Oracle Wallet is used to store TLS and TimesTen login credentials.

See The TimesTen Prometheus Exporter in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Monitoring and Troubleshooting Guide and ttExporter in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.