Description of the illustration grid_new_grid_create.png

This figure shows the New TimesTen Scaleout dialog. The dialog contains these regions: Grid Information, Management Information, and Credentials. The Grid Information region contains these text fields: Name, K-safety, and Membership Configuration. There is a Browse button next to the Membership Configuration text field. The Management Information region contains these text fields: Host Name, Internal Address, External Address, Instance Name, Instance Location, Daemon Port, Client/Server Port, Management Port, Software Location, Installation Location, and TimesTen Group. There are Use Default check boxes next to the Host Name and TimesTen Group text fields. There is a Browse button next to the Software location text field. The Credentials region contains these items: Instance Administrator text field, Use password option, Save Password Check box, and Use SSH key file option. The Use password and Save Password options are selected. At the bottom of the dialog there are these buttons: Help, Create, and Cancel. The Create button is selected.