Overview of System Tables and Views

TimesTen provides system tables and views so that you can gather information about metadata in your database. The tables and views are read-only.

There are several tables and views that are included in TimesTen, but are not relevant for your use. Use the ttIsql alltables to display a list of all system and user tables. Use the ttIsql allviews command to display a list of all system and user views. See ttIsql in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for more information on the ttIsql utility.

Privileges are required to access system tables and views. By default PUBLIC has SELECT privileges on various system tables and views. You can see the list of objects by using this query:

SELECT * FROM sys.dba_tab_privs WHERE grantee='PUBLIC';

The ADMIN or SELECT ANY TABLE privilege is required to access other system tables and views.

Information specific to system tables:

  • Locks acquired by users on system tables may prevent others from defining data or executing the SQLPrepare ODBC function or the Connection.prepareStatement JDBC method.

  • Names stored in columns are 30 characters in length.

  • System tables declare certain fields as data type TT_BIGINT. When retrieving these columns with an ODBC program, the application must bind them using SQL_C_SBIGINT.


    Some tables contain columns named SYSnumber. Because these columns contain values used internally, they are not documented in this chapter.