6 OGL Analytics & Reports

Users who have been granted the View Analytics viewer permission can access the Analytics & Reports tab in the OGL Console.


OGL analytics data can take up to 24 hours to process before it is presented in the Analytics Dashboards and Reports. Guide data collected today will not appear in analytics until the following day.


Accessing the Dashboards

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.

    You can see the Analytics & Reports tab on the navigation panel.

  2. Select the Dashboards dropdown menu.

    Left Navigation Panel

    All the Analytics Dashboards are now displayed under the dropdown menu.

    Analytics Dashboard

Overview of Analytics Dashboards

The Analytics Dashboards provide data on the consumption of OGL content for a specified account and for a designated time frame. There are various analytics dashboards available, each providing different analyses and visualizations of consumption data and host application usage.

Example of the Optimization dashboard:

Optimization Dashboard

With Oracle Guided Learning Analytics, adminsitrators can easily filter and generate reports on OGL metric data, allowing you to monitor the usage and consumption of OGL content. OGL Analytics provides 9 standard dashboards with customizable filtering options and the ability to download data, where applicable. Each of the analytics dashboards are covered in more detail in this document.

  • Optimization Dashboard: Highlights key daily/weekly measures organized by content health and the target application traffic.
  • Activity Dashboard: Guide activity and the consumption of OGL content.
  • Application Dashboard: View traffic on specific pages. An expanded set of filters is now provided along with three new Dashboards covering User, Content, and Application, in addition to the Activity Dashboard.
  • Content Dashboard: How many of each type of guide are available in the Console.
  • Feedback Dashboard: View and analyze user feedback on OGL content items.
  • Hotspots: View analytics on Launchers and Hotspots.
  • Oracle Content Dashboard: Adds a new dashboard to the OGL Analytics and Reports capabilities to provide guide activity data of Oracle Content.
  • Search Terms Dashboard: View frequently searched terms and analyze ease of access to OGL content items.
  • Surveys Dashboard: The Reports dashboard lets OGL administrators see survey results and download a report that includes end-user responses.
  • Users Dashboard: Detail from a user perspective on Oracle Guided Learning activity.


The Analytics Reports lets OGL administrators download a customized report that includes end-user responses and data captured by Surveys.

You can access the Reports from the main navigation menu.


Below is an example of the Reports interface.

Report Interface


Navigating Through the Analytics Dashboards

To navigate through the various Analytics Dashboards, you can use the Navigation Panel on the left. Simply go to the Analytics & Reports tab and select the Dashboard you want to view.

Analytics and reports


Optimization Dashboard

The Optimization dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive analytics overview of recent host application activity and guide utilization over a fixed timeframe. The dashboard is comprised of data tiles called "widgets" that display analyses of various metrics, such as, top user roles, events based on activation conditions, feedback trends, and highlights any potential guide issues. The Optimization dashboard also provides second-level drill-down tables that allow you to get insights about guides with just one click, enabling you to quickly filter selected guides for efficient guide management.

Accessing the Optimization Dashboard

  1. On the left Navigation Panel, select Dashboards > Optimization.The Optimization dashboard is now displayed.

    Optimization Dashboards


By default, the Optimization dashboard shows analytics data for the last 7 days. Beginning in release 23C, you will also have the option to select timeframes of 30 or 90 days for an extended view.

To view the Optimization data for an extended period, choose the filter at the top of the page and select the desired timeframe (Valid from release 23C onwards).


The Optimization dashboard offers insights on important daily and weekly metrics sorted by content health and target application traffic. It identifies areas that need improvement and provides detailed information on their health status.

What You Can See on the Optimization Dashboard

How is my host application being used?

how is my host app being used

In this section, you will find graphs that display Average Sessions, Average Page Views, and Average Time In Application. These graphs provide insight into how users interact with your host application.

Average Sessions

A session is defined as the continuous period of user activity within a chosen host application, such as HCM or ERP. The Average Session is calculated by taking the average of all the sessions recorded within the past chosen interval.

ave sessions

Average Page Views

The Average Pageview is the average number of times a unique page is visited in the selected host application within the past chosen interval.

avg pageviews

Average Time In Application

The Average Time in Application is the average amount of time that users have spent in the selected host application during the past chosen interval.


Are my guides being used?

Are my guides used

In this section, you will find graphs, charts, and statistics that display Total Guides, Guides Engaged, Guide Runs by Top Guide Types, Guide Users, Top Guides, Least Used Guides, and Top Guides Completed. These data provide insight into how users engage with your OGL guides.


The information gathered by hotspots is not used to generate insights in this section.

Total Guides

The total number of guides in an account, including those in draft, published, and inactive status.

total guides

Guides Engaged

This refers to the number of guides the user has interacted with within the past chosen interval.

guides eng

guides eng

You can get detailed insights by selecting Get Insights.

Select here to learn more about detailed insights.

Guide Runs By Top Guide Types

This is a graphical representation of the top five most used guide types in the order of their usage. The chart shows the total number of times each guide type has been run and its percentage in relation to the total number of guides run.

top guide types

Guide Users

Guide Users refers to the percentage of host application users that engaged a guide within the chosen interval, and it displays the latest trends.

guide users

Top Guides

The Top Guides displays the five most used guides, listed in order of their usage.

top guides

You can get detailed insights by selecting Get Insights.

Select here to learn more about detailed insights.

Least Used Guides

The Least Used Guides displays five least used guides, listed in order of their usage.

least used guides

You can get detailed insights by selecting Get Insights.

Select here to learn more about detailed insights.

Top Guides Completed

The Top Guides Completed shows the five most used guides that have been successfully completed till the final step.

top guides completed

Who is using my guides?

Guide Runs by Top User Roles

This feature shows the insights related to the user roles, including the percentage of runs completed by each role and the total number of runs completed by each specific role.


The user roles must be enabled in all the selected applications for insights related to roles.

top user roles

Do I have any upcoming guide management events?

This section displays insights related to guide management events.

do I have guide mangangement option

Guides Launching

The Guides Launching shows the number of guides coming up soon based on their "display date start" conditions.

guides launching

Guides Expiring

The Guides Expiring shows the number of guides expiring soon based on their "display date end" conditions.

Guides expiring

Guides With Activation

The Guides with Activation shows the number of guides with at least one activation condition (e.g., simple, advanced, time).

guides with activation

Select the Guides with Activation link to display a filterable table of guides along with their associated activation conditions.

guides with activation

Are my guides helpful?

This section displays insights related to user experience.


The Feedback tab displays the user feedback for user experience insights.


User feedback must be enabled in all the selected applications for insights related to user experience.


Are there any potential problems with my guides?

This section displays the potential problems with the guides if found any.


Guides with Errors

The Guides with Errors tab shows the total count of guides that have experienced errors, which OGL has identified.


Select Guides with Errors to see the detailed Guide Health.

Afterward, you can choose particular guides and hide or dismiss the error report.

guide health


If you activate the Sticky Guide function for a Smart-Tip, the border around the content tile will turn red, indicating that the guide's health has been compromised. This will be considered an error, and the guide will be included in the tally of Guides with Errors.


Guides Without Activation

The Guides Without Activation tab shows the total number of guides that currently exist without any activation conditions.

wo activation

Select Guides Without Activation to see the detailed list of guides without activation conditions.

wo activation

Searches Without Result

The Searches Without Result tab shows how many times users' searches did not yield any results.

wo result

Top Search Terms Without Result

The Top Search Terms Without Results tab displays the most commonly searched terms by users that did not produce any results.


Exporting the Detailed Analytics Report

You can easily export a comprehensive analytics report in CSV and XLSX formats with just one click.

  1. Navigate to the desired tab to export its data.
  2. Select the ellipsis icon on the top-right corner of the tab.


  3. Choose the output format for the detailed report that you wish to export.The detailed report is now downloaded.


Customizing the Optimization Dashboard

You can customize the Optimization dashboard by choosing which of the dashboard widgets you want to be displayed.

  1. Select Options in the top-right of the page to open the Show/Hide Widgets panel.


  2. Enable or disable any of the dashboard widgets you wish to display by using the toggle switches.


Get Insights

The Optimization dashboard displays various tiles, or "widgets", that provide analyses of OGL consumption data and host application activity. Some of the widgets on the Optimization dashboard offer additional in-depth data analysis allowing you to get insights about your guides and how they are being consumed. These insights can help you make data-driven decisions about content development, guide maintenance, and even process innovation.

To get detailed insights on a tab:

  1. Navigate to the Optimization dashboard.
  2. To view insights for a specific tab, choose the tab and select Get Insights.

    guides engaged

    The detailed insight is now displayed.


  3. You may choose multiple guides and select Edit Selected to edit several guides at once.


    This will open a filtered window where you can access the selected guides to edit them.



Analytics Filtering

Apply data filters by selecting the Filter (Funnel Filter icon) and then apply the desired filter from the available filter types. Use these filters to refine the data and the selected data gets displayed in the dashboard.

Analytics Filtering

Once a user has applied a filter, the number of filters will be displayed. Hover the mouse pointer over the filters links to display which filters have been applied:
image of applied filter

The following is a list of the available filters:

  • Environment: Development/ Production
  • Platform: Desktop/Mobile
  • Guide Type: Smart-Tip/Process/Message/Beacon/Link/Process/Task List/Training/Video
  • Guide Status: Draft/Published/Inactive/Unpublished Revision
  • Service Type: Managed/Unmanaged services.
  • Product: Only available if the Products & Modules have been defined and items assigned. Refer to the Defining Products and Modules section
  • Module: Only available if the Products & Modules have been defined and items assigned. Refer to the Defining Products and Modules section
  • Training Type: Available if the OGL instance has been configured to track different training guide types
  • Display Group: All Display Groups created in the Display Group Manager. Refer to the Display Groups section.
  • Languages: Filter based on the supported languages. This is only available for multilanguage deployments.


Activity Dashboard

The activity dashboard is a starting point for understanding a summary of guide activity for a specified time period by type as well as summarizing user engagement metrics during that period.

Accessing the Activity Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel. in the OGL Console
  2. Select the Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Activity in the Dashboards area.

    Activity Dashboard

Activity Dashboard is displayed

Activity Dashboard Report

  • Guides Engaged: A guide with which a user has engaged during the defined period. The definition of "engagement" varies for different Guide types.

    (Note: For more information about how guide engagement is calculated, see the Guide Engagement Definitions section below)

  • Guides Used: Guides Engaged/Total Guides
  • Active Users: Unique users that have interacted with a guide during the reporting period
  • User Engagement: Active Users/Host App Users during the reporting period
  • Guide Runs: The number of times any guide has been engaged during the reporting period. A single guide engaged multiple times will count multiple times in this number.
  • Average Feedback: Total Feedback Score/Total Feedback Responses

The center of the dashboard displays OGL consumption data in a graphical format:

  • Guide Runs by Type: Pie chart with a detailed legend distinguishes the percentage of type of OGL items consumed
  • Top 5 Guides: List of most-used guides by views. API Name is displayed in parenthesis
  • Feedback: View and analyze user feedback on OGL content items.

Guide Runs Chart

The bottom of the Dashboard displays the chart of Daily Guide Runs for the selected reporting period; now you can also toggle the Trend Line over for the reporting period or use the daily, weekly, and monthly views.

Guide Runs Report


Guide Runs by Type

To view guide runs by type within the Activity Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel. in the OGL Console

  2. Select the Dashboards dropdown menu.

  3. Select Activity in the Dashboards area.

    Activity Dashboard
  4. Select the guide type by clicking on the color matching the guide type in the pie chart.

    For example, place your cursor on Blue color color which is a Process Guide type.

Guide Runs by Type

The detailed process guide analytics is displayed.

Process Guide Analytics Report

  • Guides Engaged: Number of engaged guides during the time period. This number includes all content. Use the Filter button in the upper right-hand corner to view Process guides or Smart Tip guides only.
  • Guide Runs: Number of times a guide has been run. "Guide" includes all content, including:

    • Process Guide Engagement: When a user launches a process guide from the Help Panel, this is recorded as guide engagement. This typically involves a step-by-step walkthrough of a specific process or task.
    • Auto Launch Process Guide Engagement: When a user advances to the second step of an auto-launched process guide or selects "Done" in a splash guide, this is recorded as guide engagement.
    • Message Engagement: When the user selects “Done” after interacting with the message, this action is recorded as a guide engagement.
    • Video and Training Engagement: When a user selects "Done" after interacting with a video, or training guide, it is recorded as guide engagement.
    • Smart Tip Engagement: When a user interacts with a smart tip, such as hovering over the tooltip or clicking on the help icon, it is recorded as guide engagement. Smart tips are one-step guides that include one or more tips presented as tooltips (element-based) or icons.
    • Beacon Engagement: When a user interacts with a beacon, such as hovering over the tooltip or clicking on the help icon, this is recorded as guide engagement. Beacons are one-step guides that provide guidance using visual cues or indicators.

  • Users Engagement: Number of users who have engaged with OGL divided by the total number of users active in the host application during the selected time period
  • Average Time Spent: Average time users have spent in a guide
  • Average Runs: Number of guides run (see # in second red box) divided by the number of active guides (see # in first red box)
  • Average Use: Number of all guide runs (second red box) divided by active users


Application Dashboard

The Application Analytics dashboard allows analysts to view traffic on specific pages. This dashboard leverages the pages documented in the Pages manager and provides traffic information for those pages.

Accessing the Application Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel. in the OGL Console
  2. Select Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Application in the Dashboards area.


The Application Analytics dashboard allows analysts to view traffic on specific pages, as defined in the Pages manager, and provides traffic information for those pages. Across the top of the dashboard, up to six of the most viewed pages are displayed. The second row displays the distribution of page views by day of the week and unique user numbers during the reporting time period. Finally, the table at the bottom provides the ability to download the data as well as filter and sort on an ad-hoc basis using multiple criteria.

image of application dashboard


Feedback Dashboard

OGL Administrators can request feedback from users on OGL guides directly within the fusion environment by enabling the Feedback function in the OGL console, and view results via the Feedback dashboard.

While enabling OGL feedback, your team may set a strategy for requests, including:

  • Frequency: Gather in any range of frequency from always (100%) to never (0%)
  • Type: Information includes rating (1-5 stars) and optional free text response.
  • Specificity: Once enabled, feedback can be toggled on or off for one or more specified items. You might use this feature to request feedback for a new or revised item.

Accessing the Feedback Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL console homepage, go to the left naigation panel. You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel. in the OGL Console
  2. Select Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Feedback in the Dashboards area.


Reviews allow you to gain valuable feedback from your users, use this to improve product and service offerings. OGL deployments with the feedback functionality enabled will enjoy the added benefit of having access to the new feedback dashboard to analyze user satisfaction and where content can be improved. The dashboard allows you to drill down into the feedback detail. Use this facility to further understand where and how to improve OGL items, address user concerns, and improve decision-making in building and provisioning OGL items.

Feedabck Analysis


Hotspots Dashboard

Hotspots and Launchers can be used to gather information about how users are interacting in the cloud application. The Hotspot Dashboard highlights top-performing Hotspots and Launchers allowing a detailed analysis of the user behavior.

With this information, OGL content can be deployed based on user traffic.

  • Notifying users of upcoming changes: Hotspots can identify application usage to determine the best locations in the application to launch a message providing information and training to prepare impacted users for change.

  • Redirect user action: Hotspots can identify how users are navigating in the application in response to feedback on system functionality - the data may reveal users are selecting a less efficient option to navigate in the system, allowing the deployment of a content to share a more efficient navigation path with impacted users.

Accessing the Hotspots Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel. in the OGL Console
  2. Select Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Hotspots in the Dashboards area.


The Hotspots and Launcher capabilities introduce a new dashboard in analytics to provide key information relating to the activity being tracked by Launchers and Hotspots. You can maximize impact by continually monitoring and improving your hotspot tracking to make informed decisions and create highly effective content. This improves possible exposure to users based on user traffic. The dashboard highlights top-performing Hotspots, Launchers, and allows for a detailed analysis of user behavior.

Hotspots Analytics


Content Dashboard

Accessing the Content Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel. in the OGL Console
  2. Select Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Content in the Dashboards area.


The Content Dashboard replaces the information previously delivered in the left panel of the dashboard. The Content Dashboard provides data on how many of each type of guide is available in the Console (not including guides in the Archive section). There have been many requests to be able to download into a spreadsheet a list of the guides in the Console. This is now possible, along with useful information on each guide, by downloading the table on the Content Dashboard. The Content Dashboard table is fully sortable and can be filtered in many ways, allowing users to easily find information.

Content Dashboard

  • Guides: Total number of OGL items
  • Process:Total number of process guides
  • Message: Total number of messages
  • Beacon/Smart-Tip: Total number of beacons & smart-tips
  • Training: Total number of training content
  • Task List: Total number of task lists


Search Terms Dashboard

Hotspots and Launchers can be used to gather information about how users are interacting in the cloud application. The Hotspot Dashboard highlights top-performing Hotspots and Launchers allowing a detailed analysis of the user behavior.

With this information, OGL content can be deployed based on user traffic.

Notifying users of upcoming changes: Hotspots can identify application usage to determine the best locations in the application to launch a message providing information and training to prepare impacted users for change.

Redirect user action: Hotspots can identify how users are navigating in the application in response to feedback on system functionality - the data may reveal users are selecting a less efficient option to navigate in the system, allowing the deployment of a content to share a more efficient navigation path with impacted users.

Accessing the Search Terms Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.

    You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel.

    Select the Dashboards dropdown menu. in the OGL Console
  2. Select Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Search Terms in the Dashboards area.

    Search Terms

Whenever users search for content in the widget, OGL actively tracks all the search terms. Searches with results returned and those without results are reported to OGL analytics. This information is used to improve keywords associated with specific OGL items to maximize how easily users can locate and utilize items in the content library. Setup weekly/monthly/quarterly reviews of the search-term analytics to ensure the content library is continually aligned to what users are searching in the Widget. Since this feature provides visibility into the kind of help users are after, the dashboard becomes a valuable source of ideas on what content needs to be added by identifying gaps in the offering.

image of search terms dashboard


Surveys Analytics Dashboard

The Survey Analytics Dashboard gives you to the ability to process, store, and visualize survey data that is provided by end users who complete surveys. This adds another tool in OGL’s "insight to action" toolchest, supporting content management, product management, and analytics.

Accessing Surveys Analytics Dashboard

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.

    You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel.

  2. Select the Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Surveys in the Dashboards area.


The Surveys Dashboard replaces the information previously delivered in the left panel of the dashboard. The Surveys Dashboard summarizes survey data as collected by end users in the host application who have completed survey guides, including the application name, guide name (or apiName), number of runs, number of completions, number of times the survey was started, and the last run date.

To view analytics of response data for a specific survey, select the Guide Name of the survey to open it.

Surveys Dashboard

The Surveys Dashboard opens the results of the selected survey and displays the survey analytics for that guide, including total number of views, total unique views, rate of user engagement, and average time spent. Below the summary, you can also see a breakdown of each survey question, answer options, and total responses for each question.

Filtering Survey Data

  1. Select the Filters button to open the filter panel.
  2. Select the environment(s) to include in the analytics (Development and/or Production).

Exporting Survey Data

  1. To export the survey response data into a CSV or Excel file, select the "Elipses" icon in the top-right corner of each survey question.
  2. To export all data from the survey into a report, select the Generate Survey Report button to have the report emailed to your email address.

    Generate Survey Report

Users Dashboard

The Users Analytics dashboard provides information about user logins and activity in the host application, including unique users over time. Options to view additional details and filter views are also available using the links and menus on the page.

Accessing the Users Analytics dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel. in the OGL Console.

  2. Select the Dashboards dropdown menu.


  3. Select Users in the Dashobards area.


User Analytics dashboard is displayed.

User Analytics Dashboard

The User Dashboard provides detail from a user perspective on Oracle Guided Learning activity. This Dashboard displays the following:

  • Users: Number of all-time users logged in to the host app (not affected by the reporting period)
  • Users Logged in: Users logged in to the host app during the reporting time period
  • Active users: Users that have engaged with OGL during the reporting time period
  • Average Active Users: The average number of users that have engaged with OGL per day for the reporting period

If roles have been defined in the Oracle Guided Learning account, the number of users by role is also displayed.

Please note the username can be displayed if local data regulations and our client’s own data rules allow for the capture of the username in OGL. For clients bound by regulations such as GDPR, the username is not displayed because this data is not captured in Oracle Guided Learning.

Resetting User Analytics Data

In the User analytics dashboard, you can also reset a particular user's data which will make it appear like they are new to the application. To reset the data, perform the following steps.


Resetting user data will delete all previous activity data for the user in analytics. This should only be used for development or testing purposes. Please contact your OGL administrator before resetting any user's data.
  1. From either the Top 5 Users or Unique Users widgets, select VIEW ALL to drill down and view the User Data Analysis.

    User Analytics

  2. Click Reset button which will delete all previous activity data for the user in analytics.

    Reset Button



You can download complete reports customized to meet your unique specifications from the OGL Analytics Reports. Common configurations include Date Range, Application(s), Environment(s), Platform(s)and supported Export format.

Accessing the Reports dashboard:

  1. On the OGL Console homepage, go to the left navigation panel.

    You can see the Analytics & Reports section in the navigation panel.

  2. Select the Reports dropdown option.


Reports Dashboard is displayed.

Reports Dashboard

There are 4 main types of Reports that can be downloaded:

  • Guide
  • User
  • Feedback
  • Bulk

Guide User Feedback Bulk
Guide Filters User Filters Feedback Filters Bulk Filters


  • When a date range is used, the report displays "active/engaged" data in the selected date range, if it is not used, then it displays "active/engaged" data of all times.
  • "Select Guide(s)" and "Select User(s)" dropdowns in the sidebar always display "total" data, so you can search amongst all existing guides/users.
  • The maximum number of guides/users listed in the sidebar's dropdown is 100. You can search for additional guides/users by (partial) name. Also note, that a maximum of 100 guides/users can be selected. If you need to work with more, please select the 'All' option, then download it and filter it as needed.
  • Bulk data is provided in a gzipped file. Processing the request might take a longer time. The browser will display a notification when the download is complete. If you leave the page, then the request will be canceled.

Once the options are selected, preview the data set by clicking on the Update Preview button in the main section of the window:

Preview Update

Preview Summary

A summary of the criteria used for the report is presented above the preview table:

Select the Email Report button to request the required data report to be sent to your email address.