The image shows two diagrams. On the left the network architecture of Oracle Cloud Generation 1, and on the right Genereation 2. In Generation 1 the networking was handled through the hypervisor. On the left there are three layers shown, the top layer is a set of VMs connected to the Server Virtualization, Hypervisor, and Network Virtualization layer. The bottom layer is the HostOS/Kernel layer. There is a arrow indicating network connections To/From Other Tenants extending from the HostOS/Kernel layer.

The diagram on the right has five layers. The top layer is the same set of VMs, the next layer is an optional Container layer, the third layer is the hypervisor and the fourth layer is the Host OS/Kernel layer. There is a separation between the Host OS/Kernel layer and the fifth layer, Isolated Network Virtualization with an arrow between them. There is a arrow indicating network connections To/From Other Tenants extending from the Isolated Network Virtualization layer. There is an Cloud shape enclosing the Container, Hypervisor, OS Host/Kernel, and Isolated Network Virtualization layers, labeled Separates Network and Tenant Environment.