5 Upgrading to Oracle ASR SNMP v3

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v3 is supported on Oracle Exadata Storage Servers and Oracle Exadata Database Servers starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release

To use SNMP v3 you must be using Oracle ASR release 4.3 or later.
  1. Choose a user or define a new user for SNMP v3.
  2. Modify the user’s SNMP subscriber information:
    • On a storage server, use CellCLI commands similar to the following:

      ALTER CELL snmpUser=((name=v3user,authprotocol=SHA,
      ALTER CELL snmpsubscriber=((host=asrhost, port=162, SnmpUser=
      v3user, type=v3asr))
    • On a database server, use DBMCLI commands similar to the following:

      ALTER DBSERVER snmpUser=((name=v3user,authprotocol=SHA,
      ALTER DBSERVER snmpsubscriber=((host=asrhost, port=162, SnmpUser=
      v3user, type=v3asr))

    CellCLI or DBMCLI prompts you for a password when adding the snmpUser.

    The Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) SNMP user for Oracle ASR and its notification rules are automatically set in the storage server or database server ILOM when snmpSubscriber is added with type v3ASR.
  3. From Oracle ASR Manager, reference the same user name, protocols and passwords to add the v3 user.
    asr> add_snmpv3_user -u v3user_name -e engineId
    [,engineId2, ...] -pp AES

    You must include both server (cell or compute) and ILOM engine IDs. By default, engine IDs are the cell name or compute node name. ILOM engine IDs are the cell name or compute node name with a -m suffix, for example, mycell and mycell-m.

    You are prompted to create both authentication and privacy passwords for the v3 user. The passwords you specify must match the passwords set on the cells and compute nodes.

    Oracle ASR Manager only supports the SHA protocol for authentication and the AES protocol for privacy and encryption with ILOM.