Validating the Database Server Configuration

Use dcli or dbmcli to validate the database server configuration.

  • To verify your node configuration using the dcli utility, run the following command on a database server. Run this command from an account that has equivalency with the root user on all the database servers listed in the dbs_group file:

    • Oracle Exadata System Software release 12.1.2.x or later:

      # dcli -g dbs_group -l root -n "dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpSubscriber"
    • Oracle Exadata System Software release earlier than 12.1.2.x:

      # dcli -g dbs_group -l root –n "/opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/ -get_snmp_subscribers -type asr"
  • To verify the configuration when the dcli utility is not available, run the following command on each database server:

    • If your Oracle Exadata System Software is release 12.1.2.x or later:

      # dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpSubscriber
    • If your Oracle Exadata System Software release is earlier than 12.1.2.x:

      # /opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/ -get_snmp_subscribers -type asr