This command adds an Oracle ASM disk group.


   [ ACFSNAME=acfs_name ]
   [ ACFSPATH=acfs_path ]
   [ ACFSSIZE=acfs_size ]
   [ CELLLIST='cell_list' ]
   [ DISKGROUPLOCATION=diskgroup_location ] 
   [ OCRVOTE=ocr_voting_disks_included ] 
   [ QUORUMDISK=quorum_disks_included ]
   [ SPARSE=sparse ]
   [ TYPE=diskgroup_type [ DATABASENAME=database_name ]]
   { CLUSTERNUMBER=cluster_number |
     CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name |
     CLUSTERID=cluster_id }


You can specify the following attributes for the new Oracle ASM disk group:

  • ACFSNAME : Specifies the name for the Oracle ACFS volume on this disk group

  • ACFSPATH : Specifies the path for the Oracle ACFS file system

  • ACFSSIZE : Specifies the size for the Oracle ACFS volume on this diskgroup

  • CELLLIST : A comma separated list of cells for this disk group, enclosed in single quotes

  • DISKGROUPNAME : (Mandatory) Specifies the name of the disk group

  • DISKGROUPLOCATION : Specifies the media type where the disk group is located. The valid values are FLASHDISK or HARDDISK. The default value is HARDDISK.

    The same disk group location is recommended for all non-RECO disk groups across all clusters in the Exadata configuration file (es.xml). If the RECO disk group location is FLASHDISK, then FLASHDISK is the recommended location for all disk groups.

  • DISKGROUPSIZE : (Mandatory) Specifies the size of the disk group

  • OCRVOTE : A boolean variable, where TRUE indicates the disk group should store the OCR and voting disks for the cluster.

  • QUORUMDISK : A boolean variable, where TRUE indicates the disk group requires a quorum

  • REDUNDANCY : (Mandatory) Specifies the redundancy level for the disk group. The valid values are NORMAL or HIGH.

  • SLICESIZE : (Mandatory) Specifies the slice size on disk for each grid disk for this disk group.

  • SPARSE : A boolean variable, where TRUE indicates this should be sparse disk group.

  • TYPE : Specifies the disk group type, which can be DATA, RECO, DBFS or OTHER. The default value is OTHER. If you want the database to use this disk group, then the type must be set to DATA or RECO.

  • DATABASENAME : Specifies the name of the target database for disk groups of type DATA or RECO.

The following arguments are available in the WHERE clause:

  • CLUSTERNUMBER : Specifies the cluster number in the es.xml, starting at 1

  • CLUSTERNAME : Specifies the name of the cluster

  • CLUSTERID : Specifies the es.xml ID of the cluster

Example 4-20 Adding a Disk Group

The following example shows an OEDACLI session that uses the ADD DISKGROUP command along with typical output at each step.

oedacli> add diskgroup diskgroupname=OTHER7 diskgroupsize=1TB  redundancy=HIGH celllist='dbm01celadm07.example.com,dbm01celadm08.example.com,dbm01celadm09.example.com'  where clustername=Cluster-c1
oedacli> save action
oedacli> merge actions
 Merging Action : add diskgroup diskgroupname=OTHER7 diskgroupsize=1TB  redundancy=HIGH celllist='dbm01celadm07.example.com,dbm01celadm08.example.com,dbm01celadm09.example.com'  where clustername=Cluster-c1
 Action Validated and Merged OK
oedacli> deploy actions
 Deploying Action ID : 3 add diskgroup diskgroupname=OTHER7 diskgroupsize=1TB  redundancy=HIGH celllist='dbm01celadm07.example.com,dbm01celadm08.example.com,dbm01celadm09.example.com'  where clustername=Cluster-c1
 Diskgroup OTHER7 will be created on Storage Servers  [dbm01celadm07.example.com, dbm01celadm08.example.com, dbm01celadm09.example.com]
 Validating free space....
 Creating Grid Disks for ASM Disk Group OTHER7
 Creating ASM Disk Group OTHER7
 Updating ASM Diskstring...
 Checking ASM Disk Group status...
Completed creation of ASM Disk Group OTHER7