This command creates or alters an Oracle alert.


   { RECIPIENTS='recipients'
     [ SSL=uses_ssl ]
     [ PORT=smtp_port ]
   | SNMPHOST=snmp_host
     [ PORT=snmp_port ]
     [ COMMUNITY=snmp_community ]
   | ASRHOST=asr_host
     [ PROXYHOST=asr_proxy_host ]
     [ PROXYPORT=asr_proxy_port ]
     [ PROXYUSER=asr_proxy_user ] 
   | [ EMAIL=ocm_email ]
     [ HUBHOST=ocm_hub_host ]
     [ HUBUSER=ocm_hub_user ]
     [ PROXYHOST=ocm_proxy_host ]
     [ PROXYPORT=ocm_proxy_port ]
     [ PROXYUSER=ocm_proxy_user ]
   | EMBASE=em_base
     [ OMSHOST=oms_host ]
     PORT=oms_port }
   { ID=alert_id |
     TYPE=alert_type |
     HOSTNAME=host_name TYPE=alert_type |
     CLUSTERNUMBER=cluster_number TYPE=alert_type |
     CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name TYPE=alert_type |
     CLUSTERID=cluster_id TYPE=alert_type }


You can specify various attributes according to the alert type.

  • For SMTP alerts:

    • RECIPIENTS : Specifies a list of email addresses. The list entries are separated by a space or a comma and the list is surrounded by single quotation marks

    • FROMNAME : Specifies the name of the email sending user, surrounded by single quotation marks

    • FROMEMAIL : Specifies the email address of the email sending user

    • SMTPHOST : Specifies the hostname of the SMTP email server

    • SSL : Optionally, set to true to use SSL. Default value is false.

    • PORT : Optionally, specifies the SMTP email server port. Default value is 25.

  • For SNMP alerts:

    • SNMPHOST : Specifies the hostname of the SNMP server

    • PORT : Optionally, specifies the SNMP server port. Default value is 162.

    • COMMUNITY : Optionally, specifies the SNMP community value. Default value is public.

  • For Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) alerts:

    • ASRHOST : Specifies the hostname of the ASR server

    • CONTACT : Specifies the ASR contact name

    • EMAIL : Specifies the ASR email address

    • MOSACCOUNT : Specifies the ASR My Oracle Support (MOS) email address

    • PROXYHOST : Optionally, specifies the proxy hostname for connectivity to the ASR server

    • PROXYPORT : Optionally, specifies the proxy port for connectivity to the ASR server

    • PROXYUSER : Optionally, specifies the proxy username for connectivity to the ASR server

  • For Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) alerts:

    • EMAIL : Specifies the OCM email address

    • HUBHOST : Specifies the hostname of the OCM hub

    • HUBUSER : Specifies the OCM hub user name

    • PROXYHOST : Optionally, specifies the proxy hostname for connectivity to the OCM hub

    • PROXYPORT : Optionally, specifies the proxy port for connectivity to the OCM hub

    • PROXYUSER : Optionally, specifies the proxy username for connectivity to the OCM hub

  • For Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) alerts:

    • EMBASE : Optionally, specifies the EM base directory. Default value is /u01/app/oracle/product/EMbase.

    • OMSHOST : Specifies the hostname of the Oracle Management Server (OMS)

    • PORT : Optionally, specifies the OMS server port. Default value is 4900.

The following arguments are available in the WHERE clause:

  • ID : Specifies the es.xml ID for an existing alert

  • TYPE : Specifies the alert type: SNMP, SMTP, ASR, OCM, or EM

  • HOSTNAME : Specifies the target server hostname

  • CLUSTERNUMBER : Specifies the cluster number in the es.xml, starting at 1

  • CLUSTERNAME : Specifies the name of the cluster

  • CLUSTERID : Specifies the es.xml ID of the cluster