This command alters Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) cluster attributes.


   { CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name |
     GIVERSION=grid_version |
     GIHOMELOC=grid_home_location |
     INVLOC=inventory_location |
     BASEDIR=oracle_base_dir |
     PATCHLIST=patch_list |
     VCPU=vcpu |
     VMEM=vmem |
     ASMSCOPEDSECURITY=asm_scoped_security |
     HOMESIZE=home_size |
   } ...
   { CLUSTERNUMBER=cluster_number |
     CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name |
     ID=cluster_id }
   { ADDCELLS='add_cells' | DROPCELLS='drop_cells' } 
      [ DISKGROUPS='asm_diskgroups' ] [ POWER=power ] [ WAIT={ TRUE | FALSE }]  
   { CLUSTERNUMBER=cluster_number |
     CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name |
     ID=cluster_id }
   [ STEPNAME=step_name ]


You can modify the following attributes of the GI cluster:

  • CLUSTERNAME: Specifies a new, unique name for the cluster

  • GIVERSION: Specifies the clusterware version, including the release update (RU). For example:

  • GIHOMELOC: Specifies a new path for the Grid home location

  • INVLOC: Specifies a new path for the software inventory

  • BASEDIR: Specifies a new path for the Oracle base directory

  • PATCHLIST: Specifies a comma-separated list of patches. The list must be enclosed in single quotes. By default, the patch list is derived from the RU included in the GIVERSION.

  • VCPU: Specifies the number of virtual CPUs for each virtual machine (VM) in a VM cluster. This option only applies to a cluster in a VM deployment.

  • VMEM: Specifies the amount of memory (in GB) for each virtual machine (VM) in a VM cluster. This option only applies to a cluster in a VM deployment.

  • ASMSCOPEDSECURITY: Specify true to enable ASM scoped security. The default value is false.

  • HOMESIZE: Specifies the cluster home size (in GB).

  • INSTALLTYPE: Specifies the software installation method to use. The options are:

    • CLONE: Uses image files to clone a software installation. The image files include the base software release, and may also include additional patches and updates. By including updates in the image files, this method reduces deployment time and improves deployment consistency.

      The CLONE software installation method is the only supported method for a cluster in a virtual machine (VM) deployment. This option is also available for clusters in a physical (bare metal) deployment.

    • ZIP: Performs a fresh software installation by using compressed (zip) files that contain the software release. This method does not include additional patches or updates.

      The ZIP software installation method is the default method for clusters in a physical (bare metal) deployment. This option is not available for clusters in a virtual machine (VM) deployment.

  • ADDCELLS: Specifies a comma-separated list of cells to add to the disk groups. The list must be enclosed in single quotes. If multiple cells are specified, they are all added in one operation, and the data is rebalanced once at the end of the process.

  • DROPCELLS: Specifies a comma-separated list of cells to drop from the disk groups. The list must be enclosed in single quotes. If multiple cells are specified, they are all dropped in one operation, and the data is rebalanced once at the end of the process.

  • DISKGROUPS: Specifies a comma-separated list of disk groups from which you want to add or remove cells specified in ADDCELLS or DROPCELLS. The list must be enclosed in single quotes. If not specified, then the specified cells are added to or removed from all of the disk groups.

  • POWER: Specifies the ASM rebalance power limit. The range of valid values is 1 - 1024.

  • WAIT: Specifies whether or not to wait for the completion of the ASM rebalance operation that occurs during the ADD_DISKS_TO_ASM step of an ADDCELLS or DROPCELLS operation. This option is only applicable when the WHERE clause contains STEPNAME=ADD_DISKS_TO_ASM.

    Specify false to proceed without waiting for the ASM rebalance operation to complete. Specify true to wait for the ASM rebalance operation to complete. The default value is true.

The following arguments are available in the WHERE clause:

  • CLUSTERNUMBER: Specifies the cluster number in the es.xml, starting at 1

  • CLUSTERNAME: Specifies the name of the cluster

  • ID: Specifies the es.xml ID of the cluster

  • STEPNAME: Specifies one of the following steps for an ADDCELLS or DROPCELLS operation:




    For an ADDCELLS operation, the steps are performed in the following order:

    1. CONFIG_CELL: Configures the storage server, including cell connectivity and cell disk creation.

    2. CREATE_GRIDDISKS: Creates grid disks for use by the specified cluster.

    3. ADD_DISKS_TO_ASM: Adds the newly created grid disks to the ASM disk groups associated with the specified cluster.

    For a DROPCELLS operation, the steps are performed in reverse order:

    1. ADD_DISKS_TO_ASM: Removes the grid disks from the ASM disk groups associated with the specified cluster.

    2. CREATE_GRIDDISKS: Deletes grid disks associated with the specified cluster.

    3. CONFIG_CELL: Deletes the cell configuration on the storage server.

Example 4-4 Deploying a Cluster Change

The following example shows an OEDACLI session that uses the ALTER CLUSTER command along with typical output at each step.

oedacli> alter cluster clustername=cluster-c1 where id=Cluster-c6e838fe4-e317-ee1a-dd89-53f0b49a689b_id
oedacli> save action
oedacli> merge actions
 Merging Action : alter cluster clustername=cluster-c1 where id=Cluster-c6e838fe4-e317-ee1a-dd89-53f0b49a689b_id
 Action Validated and Merged OK
oedacli> deploy actions
 Deploying Action ID : 1 alter cluster clustername=cluster-c1 where id=Cluster-c6e838fe4-e317-ee1a-dd89-53f0b49a689b_id