This command alters an existing Oracle database definition.


   { { BLOCKSIZE=blocksize |
       CHARSET=database_character_set |
       DATADG=data_diskgroup |
       VAULT='vaultlist' [ EXASCALECLUSTER=exascaleclustername ] |
       DBLANG=database_language |
       DBNAME=database_name |
       UNIQUENAME=database_unique_name | 
       DBTEMPLATE=database_template | 
       DBTYPE=database_type |
       HOSTNAMES='host_names' | 
       RECODG=reco_diskgroup } ... |
     { DBHOMELOC=new_dbhome_loc | DBHOMEID=new_dbhome_id } }
   { ID=database_id |
     CLUSTERNUMBER=cluster_number DATABASENAME=database_name |
     CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name DATABASENAME=database_name |
     CLUSTERID=cluster_id DATABASENAME=database_name }


You can modify the following attributes:

  • BLOCKSIZE: The block size for the new database. The default value is 8192. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

  • CHARSET: The character set to use for the new database. The default value is AL32UTF8. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

  • DATADG: The name of the DATA disk group for the new database. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

  • VAULT: If using Exascale, specify a vault or space-seperated list of two vaults for the database. Note that the value is also surrounded by single quotes (as displayed in the command syntax).

  • EXASCALECLUSTER: Specifies the Exascale cluster that contains the specified vault or vaults. This option is required only if the vault specification cannot uniquely identify the Exascale cluster.

  • DBLANG: The language to use for the new database. The default value is all_langs. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

  • DBNAME: The name of the new database.

  • UNIQUENAME: The unique name of the new database. The default value is dbname.

  • DBTEMPLATE : The template to use when creating the new database, ADMIN or DW. The default value is ADMIN. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

  • DBTYPE: The type of database to create:

    • normal DB: Specifies a non-container database (non-CDB). This is the default value.

    • CDB: Specifies a container database.

    • PDB: Specifies a pluggable database to an existing CDB.

  • HOSTNAMES: A comma-separated list of host names on which the database should run. The default value is the list of nodes registered with the database home.

  • RECODG: The name of the RECO disk group for the new database. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

  • DBHOMELOC : The location of the database home that you want to move the database to. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

  • DBHOMEID: The es.xml ID of the database home that you want to move the database to. This argument is not required for pluggable databases.

The following arguments are available in the WHERE clause:

  • ID: Specifies the es.xml ID of the database

  • CLUSTERNUMBER: Specifies the cluster number in the es.xml, starting at 1

  • CLUSTERNAME: Specifies the name of the cluster

  • CLUSTERID: Specifies the es.xml ID of the cluster

  • DATABASENAME: Specifies the name of the database in the cluster

Usage Notes

For moving the database to use a different database home, specify only the new home location (DBHOMELOC) or the ID of the new database home (DBHOMEID).