This command alters an existing Oracle database home.


   { OWNER=owner |
     DBVERSION=version |
     DBHOMELOC=database_home_path | 
     DBHOMENAME=database_home_name |
     INVLOC=inventory_location |
     DBLANG=language |
     MACHINELIST='machine_list' |
     PATCHLIST='patch_list' |
     BASEDIR=base_directory |
     INSTALLTYPE={ CLONE | ZIP } } ...
   { ID=database_home_id | 
     CLUSTERNUMBER=cluster_number DBHOMELOC=database_home_path |
     CLUSTERNAME=cluster_name DBHOMELOC=database_home_path |
     CLUSTERID=cluster_id DBHOMELOC=database_home_path }


You can modify the following attributes for the Oracle database home:

  • OWNER : Specifies the operating system user that owns the Oracle home.

  • DBVERSION : Specifies the version of the software in the database home, including the release update (RU), for example

  • DBHOMELOC : Specifies the file system path for the new Oracle database home directory.

  • DBHOMENAME : Specifies the new name of the database home. The database home name must be unique within a cluster.

  • INVLOC : Specifies the location of the Oracle inventory directory.

  • DBLANG : Specifies the supported languages for the Oracle home.

  • MACHINELIST : Specifies a list of nodes. The nodes must exist within the cluster.

  • PATCHLIST : Specifies a comma-separated, custom list of patches for the database home.

  • BASEDIR : Specifies the location of the Oracle Base directory.

  • INSTALLTYPE: Specifies the software installation method to use. The options are:

    • CLONE: Uses image files to clone a software installation. The image files include the base software release, and may also include additional patches and updates. By including updates in the image files, this method reduces deployment time and improves deployment consistency.

      The CLONE software installation method is the only supported method for database homes in a virtual machine (VM) deployment. This option is also available for database homes in a physical (bare metal) deployment.

    • ZIP: Performs a fresh software installation by using compressed (zip) files that contain the software release. This method does not include additional patches or updates.

      This option is not available for database homes in a virtual machine (VM) deployment.

The following arguments are available in the WHERE clause:

  • ID : Specifies the es.xml ID for the database home

  • CLUSTERNUMBER : Specifies the cluster number in the es.xml, starting at 1

  • CLUSTERNAME : Specifies the name of the cluster

  • CLUSTERID : Specifies the es.xml ID of the cluster

  • DBHOMELOC : Specifies the path for the database home directory.