2.5 Default IP Addresses

Starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release, the default administration network IP addresses are assigned dynamically by the elastic configuration procedure during the first start of the system.

The default administration network IP addresses are in the to range. In earlier releases, Oracle Exadata had default IP addresses set at the factory, and the range of IP addresses was to


Prior to connecting Oracle Exadata to the network, ensure these IP addresses do not conflict with other addresses on the network. Use the checkip.sh script generated by Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) to check for conflicts. You run the checkip.sh script on the network after the DNS entries for the Oracle Exadata have been created, but before the Oracle Exadata is configured or connected to the network. Oracle recommends running the script to avoid configuration delays, even if a check was performed as part of planning process before the machine was delivered. See Verifying the Network Configuration Prior to Configuring the Rack.

If you run OEDA on a Microsoft Windows system, then the generated script is checkip.bat.