This command discovers an existing configuration of an engineered system.


   HOSTNAMES = host_names 
   LOCATION = directory_name 


You can use the following arguments when discovering an engineered system configuration:

  • HOSTNAMES: Specifies the list of nodes to be discovered, with each host name separated by a ',' or a space. The list must be enclosed in quotation marks, for example, 'node1,node2' or 'node1 node2'. For virtual environments with user domains, you need to provide a list of only management domain (dom0) host names and storage servers.

  • LOCATION: Specifies the target directory for file creation.

Usage Notes

The following are requirements and limitations of the DISCOVER ES command:

  • Supported only on Exadata. ZDLRA is not supported.
  • All hosts must have the same root password.
  • Discover will not work with custom Operating System profiles and customized SQL*Plus prompts.
  • Only RAC databases are discovered. Single instance databases and SIHA databases are not discovered.
  • Oracle Clusterware must be running.
  • Only online databases are discovered.
  • If DISCOVER ES cannot log into databases as SYSDBA using Operating System authentication databases are skipped.
  • Only database resources registered with Oracle Clusterware are discovered.
  • Virtual machines that are not running are not discovered.