4.1 About the OEDA Command Line Interface

You can use the OEDA command-line interface (OEDACLI) to perform Exadata life cycle management tasks.

Supported tasks include:

  • Add nodes to and remove nodes from a VM cluster

  • Add or remove Oracle Database home directories

  • Add or remove storage cells

  • Resize Oracle ASM disk groups

  • Add or remove additional databases


    To create databases on Exadata, Oracle recommends using Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) or the OEDA Command Line Utility (OEDACLI), as both utilities implement the latest Exadata best-practice configuration settings for your Exadata system configuration. The Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is also available in the Oracle Database software bundle. However, DBCA is not recommended for new database creation on Exadata because it does not integrate with the OEDA XML configuration file (es.xml) and may not implement the recommended Exadata-specific configuration settings.


OEDACLI supports life cycle management tasks for Oracle Exadata systems only. OEDACLI does not support life cycle management operations on Oracle SuperCluster and Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA).

OEDACLI allows you to update an existing Exadata configuration file (es.xml). The updates are called Actions. An Action is a single atomic task.

An Action can have many sub commands, however most actions are single commands. Examples of multi-command steps are - CLONE GUEST and CLONE CELL

OEDACLI has two operating modes:

  • Edit mode:

    • Used against an es.xml file before you run the install.sh command steps

    • Used to edit an XML file, for example to add a second Database Home, then save the XML file

    • Can be used as a logical XML editor for the es model prior to deployment

  • Deploy mode:

    • Used to edit an es.xml file after you have run the install.sh command steps

    • Can be used to Clone Oracle VM Guests or grow or shrink Oracle ASM Disk groups

    • Has a smaller list of supported changes than Edit mode

    • Can be used as a logical XML editor and deployment tool after the initial deployment

Edit Mode Workflow

  1. When the command line interface starts, it has no target es.xml file to work on, so you first load an es.xml file.

    LOAD FILE name=es.xml
  2. Modify an in-memory version of the es.xml. Specify the additional actions to perform during deployment. For example, to clone an Oracle VM guest to a new guest:

    clone guest srcname=asd
    set privnet name1='test08adm01-priv1',ip1='',name2='testadm01-priv2',ip2=''
    set parent name='test08adm01a'
    set adminnet name='test08adm01vm02',ip=''
    set clientnet name='test08client01vm02',ip=''
    set vipnet name='test08client01vm02-vip',ip=''
  3. After you have provided all the commands for an action, save the action to a list of actions to be processed within the command line interface. At this point, the data in the es.xml file is not yet updated.

  4. Merge the actions into the main body of the in-memory copy of the es.xml using the FORCE keyword.

  5. Save the memory copy of the es.xml, overwriting the input file or writing to a new file that you specify.

    SAVE FILE [name=new_es.xml]

Deploy Mode Workflow

  1. When the command line interface starts, it has no target es.xml file to work on, so you first load an es.xml file.

    LOAD FILE name=es.xml
  2. Modify an in-memory version of the es.xml. Specify the actions to perform.

  3. After you have provided all the commands for an action, save the action to a list of actions to be processed within the command line interface. At this point, the data in the es.xml file is not yet updated.

  4. Merge the actions into the main body of the in-memory copy of the es.xml.

  5. Deploy the actions into the main body of the es.xml file. This step will perform the specified actions such as creating the new Oracle VM guest.

  6. Save the memory copy of the es.xml, overwriting the input file or writing to a new file that you specify.

    SAVE FILE [name=new_es.xml]