6.12.5 Updates to Imaging Parameters

Some of the command line options for imaging have changed with and above.

The changes are:

  • updfrm

    Do NOT use the updfrm option in any form. It will be removed from the imaging options in the future. Allow the firmware to be updated automatically upon initial boot instead.

  • dualboot

    dualboot is no longer required with as there is no support for Solaris. It has no meaning in releases and above.

  • factory

    The meaning of the factory keyword has changed as of The use of "factory" now enforces additional options such as "ovs=yes". This should be used for all imaging, regardless of the ultimate system configuration (Oracle VM, Physical etc.)

  • OVS=yes|no

    This option defaults to "no". However it is not recommended to use this at all because it may change in the future. In its place, use the "factory" option which will override some default options.

There are some additional command line options which may be useful:

  • To create a hot spare on dbnodes, use the enable_hot_spare option.

    • makeImageMedia.sh option: -enable_hot_spare

    • PXE option: enable_hot_spare

  • To force active bond or no active bond for InfiniBand interfaces (mainly for expansion rack cases), use the active-bond-ib option.

    • makeImageMedia.sh option: -active-bond-ib <yes|no>

    • PXE option: active-bond-ib=<yes|no>

The README_FOR_FACTORY.txt file shipped with the imagemaker software explains each option in more detail.