6.12.3 Using ISO to Image a New System

You can use ISO to prepare a new Exadata system for deployment.

  1. Obtain the latest Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA).

  2. Run the OEDA configuration tool to generate the configuration files.

  3. Power on all the servers.

    1. Database nodes and cells will automatically assign to themselves unused IP addresses on eth0 in the 172.16 range.

    2. Host names of the nodes will be of the format nodeN, where N is a number.

  4. Run OEDA to generate the preconf.csv file that can be used to image the system.

  5. Connect to the first database node.

    Use one of the following connection options:

    • Attach a serial cable between a console and the SER MGT port on the server.

      Connections through the modular jack serial port must use shielded cables to comply with radio frequency emission limits.

      Set the terminal device communication properties to these values: 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit.

      For more details, see Connect to Oracle ILOM.

    • Attach an Ethernet cable to the NET MGT port on the server and then connect using a workstation on the network.

      For more details, see Connect to Oracle ILOM.

  6. Obtain the eth0 MAC address for each database node. This is the fru_macaddress field from /SYS/MB/NET0 in the ILOM (or through ip addr if logged into the console).

    1. Connect to the other database nodes using ssh from the console.

    2. Run ibhosts to get a list of node names and IP addresses.

  7. Insert the MAC addresses using uppercase characters in the seventh field of the preconf.csv file for each node. This field should be empty, that is, you should see two consecutive comma characters (,,). For example:

  8. Run ipconf to verify the generated preconf.csv file. This can be done on any Exadata server, and although not required, it is useful to ensure the preconf.csv is valid before proceeding.

    # ipconf -verify -preconf /tmp/preconf.csv
    [Info]: ipconf command line: /opt/oracle.cellos/ipconf.pl -verify -preconf /tmp
    /preconf -nocodes
    [Done]: Pre config verification OK 
  9. Prepare and locate the files required for system imaging. The procedure varies depending on the Oracle Exadata System Software version being used.

    • If you are using version or later, it is no longer necessary to use imagemaker to create the image files. The relevant PXE, ISO, and USB image files are already in the patch archive.

      Use Exadata Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server Supported Versions (My Oracle Support Doc ID 888828.1) to locate the relevant patch archive. Then, unzip the patch archive and follow the steps in the patch README.txt to copy the ISO file and optional preconf.csv file into place.


      • Using ISO with the preconf.csv file is supported only if the ISO image is mounted on an NFS repository in ILOM and the preconf.csv file is located in the same NFS directory.

        All other methods of mounting the ISO image in ILOM (SAMBA URI and Java Remote Console) and burning ISO image to DVD will not work with the preconf.csv file. For instructions on how to mount the ISO image from a NFS central repository, see "Configure a Host Storage Device Redirection Session" in the Oracle X5 Series Servers Administration Guide

      • If a newly imaged system does not have access to DHCP, then the imaging procedure will not be able to access the preconf.csv file. In this case, the imaging procedure will attempt to locate the preconf.csv inside a dedicated ISO image located in the same directory and named preconf.iso.

        To use this method, you can create the preconf.iso file by using the following command:

        # mkisofs -l -input-charset ascii -o preconf.iso preconf.csv
      • When a preconf.csv file is not being used, the ISO image can be made available as virtual media on the ILOM of the node being re-imaged.

      • Because of possible late echos of text to the console, be aware that the boot process will be waiting for input to complete the interactive ipconf by prompting for Nameserver:

      • Due to a bug, ipconf will prompt you twice to enter the network settings.

    • If you are using versions prior to, use ImageMaker to create the image files as follows:

      1. Download the imagemaker kit to prepare and create the files for the USB drive.

        This kit is available publicly on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud (edelivery.oracle.com) site under “Oracle Database Products -> Linux x86-64”. There are separate ImageMaker files for database nodes and cells.

      2. After download, unzip the first file, called something similar to V75080-01.zip, and then unzip the subsequent file as well. Finally, extract the resulting archive. Perform the commands as the root user.

        # unzip V75080-01.zip
        # unzip cellImageMaker_12.
        # tar -pxvf cellImageMaker_12.

        View the README_FOR_FACTORY.txt file in the resulting directory for additional details.

      3. Run makeImageMedia.sh to build the ISO file for imaging.

        For building images for and above, the recommended makeImageMedia.sh options for building ISO images are:

        1. ( up to Change directory to the dl180 or dl360 directory.

        2. ( and above) Change directory to the cell or compute directory.

        3. Make the ISO file.

          ./makeImageMedia.sh -factory -stit -reboot-on-success -nodisktests [-preconf
           preconf_file] filename.iso

        For ISO imaging, note that you must run makeImageMedia.sh from an Oracle Exadata database server if you are using the -preconf option.

        For example:

        # ./makeImageMedia.sh -factory -stit -reboot-on-success -nodisktests -preconf
         preconf.csv computenode.iso
        [Info]: ipconf command line: /root/imagemaker/compute/initrd/opt/oracle.cellos
        /ipconf.pl -preconf preconf.csv -verify -nocodes
        [Done]: Pre config verification OK
        Please wait. Calculating md5 checksums for cellbits ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for exaos.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for dbboot.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for dbfw.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for kernel.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for ofed.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for sunutils.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for commonos.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for debugos.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for dbrpms.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for exaosovs.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for dbovsboot.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for kernelovs.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for ofedovs.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for commonovsos.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for debugosovs.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for dbovsrpms.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for sunovsutils.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for dbvmboot.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for ofedvm.tbz ...
        Calculating md5 checksum for sunvmutils.tbz ...
        Please wait. Making initrd ...
        395864 blocks
        Please wait. Calculating md5 checksums for boot ...
        Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
        0.30% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        0.60% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        0.90% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        1.21% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        1.51% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        1.81% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        2.11% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        2.41% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        2.71% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        3.02% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        3.32% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        3.62% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        3.92% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        4.22% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        4.52% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        4.83% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        5.13% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        5.43% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        5.73% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:27 2016
        <output truncated>
        97.72% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        98.02% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        98.32% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        98.62% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        98.92% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        99.22% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        99.52% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        99.83% done, estimate finish Wed Nov 29 10:47:30 2016
        Total translation table size: 2048
        Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0
        Total directory bytes: 2048
        Path table size(bytes): 26
        Max brk space used 0
        1657890 extents written (3238 MB)
        Done creation of installation ISO for compute node
      4. Attach the ISO as virtual media to the ILOM of the database server to be re-imaged, and select CDROM as the next boot device.

  10. Reboot the database node or cell to start the imaging process from the ISO.

  11. If you are using Oracle VM, run switch_to_ovm.sh on each database server. The database servers will reboot.

    For example:

    # /opt/oracle.SupportTools/switch_to_ovm.sh
    2014-12-07 11:58:36 -0800 [INFO] Switch to DOM0 system partition /dev/VGExaDb/LVDb
    Sys3 (/dev/mapper/VGExaDb-LVDbSys3)
    2014-12-07 11:58:36 -0800 [INFO] Active system device: /dev/mapper/VGExaDb-LVDbSys
    2014-12-07 11:58:36 -0800 [INFO] Active system device in boot area: /dev/mapper/VG
    2014-12-07 11:58:36 -0800 [INFO] Set active systen device to /dev/VGExaDb/LVDbSys3
     in /boot/I_am_hd_boot
    2014-12-07 11:58:36 -0800 [INFO] Reboot has been initiated to switch to the DOM0 s
    ystem partition
  12. On systems with InfiniBand Network Fabric only, run /opt/oracle.SupportTools/reclaimdisks.sh -free -reclaim on each database server before installing any software.

    The command reclaims disk space reserved for the deployment type not selected, which is not required on RoCE-based Exadata database servers.

    The command typically takes less than 5 minutes.


    Do not skip this step. Skipping this step results in unused space that can no longer be reclaimed by reclaimdisks.sh.
    # /opt/oracle.SupportTools/reclaimdisks.sh -free -reclaim
    Model is ORACLE SERVER X5-2
    Number of LSI controllers: 1
    Physical disks found: 4 (252:0 252:1 252:2 252:3)
    Logical drives found: 1
    [INFO     ] Copying /usr/share/grub/x86_64-redhat/* to /boot/grub ...
    [INFO     ] Create filesystem on device /dev/sda1
    [INFO     ] Tune filesystem on device /dev/sda1
    GNU GRUB  version 0.97  (640K lower / 3072K upper memory)
    [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.  For the first word, TAB
    lists possible command completions.  Anywhere else TAB lists the possible
    completions of a device/filename.]
    grub> root (hd0,0)
     Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
    grub> setup (hd0)
     Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no
     Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... yes
     Checking if "/grub/stage2" exists... yes
     Checking if "/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists... yes
     Running "embed /grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"... failed (this is not fatal)
     Running "embed /grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0,0)"... failed (this is not fatal)
     Running "install /grub/stage1 (hd0) /grub/stage2 p /grub/grub.conf "... succeeded
    grub> quit
  13. Run ibhosts and verify that all nodes show the correct IP addresses and host names. There should be no nodes with elasticNode in the description.

  14. Run the OEDA tool to deploy.

    [root] # ./install.sh -cf ../MAA-dm01.xml -l
    1. Validate Configuration File
    2. Setup Capacity-on-Demand
    3. Create Virtual Machine  
    4. Create Users  
    5. Setup Cell Connectivity  
    6. Create Cell Disks  
    7. Create Grid Disks  
    8. Configure Alerting  
    9. Install Cluster Software  
    10. Initialize Cluster Software  
    11. Install Database Software  
    12. Relink Database with RDS  
    13. Create ASM Diskgroups  
    14. Create Databases  
    15. Apply Security Fixes  
    16. Install Exachk  
    17. Setup ASR Alerting  
    18. Create Installation Summary  
    19. Resecure Machine