6.15 Using the OEDA setuprootssh Utility

You can set up key-based authentication for the root user by using the setuprootssh.sh utility included with OEDA.

Starting with the April 2020 release of Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA), the setuprootssh.sh utility is located in the same directory as the install and config scripts.
  • To set up the required keys for SSH key-based authentication, run the setuprootssh.sh utility.
    ./setuprootssh.sh -cf config.xml
    For config.xml, specify the full path name to the deployment file created by OEDA.

    For each physical and virtual machine (VM) host in the deployment file, the setuprootssh.sh utility creates an SSH key pair. The keys are saved in the OEDA WorkDir using the following file naming conventions:

    • Private key: id_rsa.short_hostname.root
    • Public key: id_rsa.short_hostname.root.pub

    In the key file names, short_hostname is the corresponding server host name without any domain name qualification.

    Where possible, the utility also installs the public key on the host and disables password-based authentication for the root user.

    If the utility cannot install the public key on the host, then the key file remains ready for later use in the OEDA WorkDir. For example, this occurs to keys for VM hosts if you run the utility before you create the VMs.

  • If your system has a non-default root password, you must specify it by using the -p root_password option.
  • Use the -h option to display the usage information.