2.4.1 Adding the Disk Expansion Kit to Database Servers: X9M-2 and Later

This procedure describes adding the disk expansion kit to Oracle Exadata X9M-2 and later database servers.

Before starting, the server must be powered on so that it can sense the addition of the new drives.

To add the disk expansion kit:

  1. Remove the plastic filler panels that cover the vacant drive bays and insert the drives contained in the disk expansion kit.

    The drives may be installed in any order. Both drives must be installed at the same time (within a few minutes) so that the system can sense the new drives before any of them enter a power-saving mode.

    When the system senses the new drives, the following occurs automatically:

    • The new drives are configured into a new mirrored (RAID1) physical volume (PV) at /dev/md26.
    • The newly created PV is added to the volume group (VG) named VGExaDb.

    These automatic configuration steps normally occur soon after the disks are inserted.

  2. Confirm the addition of the disk expansion kit.

    Run the following commands as the system administrator (root):

    1. Run pvs and confirm the presence of the new PV at /dev/md26.

      For example:

      # pvs
        PV         VG      Fmt  Attr PSize PFree
        /dev/md25  VGExaDb lvm2 a--  3.48t 39.75g
        /dev/md26  VGExaDb lvm2 a--  3.49t  3.49t
    2. Run vgs and confirm the new size of VGExaDb along with the amount of free space.

      For example:

      # vgs 
        VG      #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree 
        VGExaDb   2  11   0 wz--n- <6.98t 3.53t

    You can now use the additional space to create or extend LVM partitions and their associated file systems.