
The ALTER USER command changes the attributes of a user.


ALTER USER username attribute_name = attribute_value      \
[, attribute_name = attribute_value, ...]

Usage Notes

  • The username cannot be root, dbmadmin or dbmmonitor. Those are reserved.

  • The user name should be unique.

  • The system prompts for a password for the new user. The password must have 12 to 40 alphanumeric characters or special characters !@#$%^&*() with at least one digit, one lowercase letter, and one uppercase letter. Starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release, the password can be 8 to 40 characters in length and can also utilize the special characters - and _.

  • The new password cannot be the same as the current password for the user.

Example 9-30 Using the ALTER USER Command

DBMCLI> ALTER USER scott password=TOPsecret2345