4.7.1 Backing Up Settings on the Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric Switch

The following procedure describes how to back up the Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric switch settings. A backup is recommended after the switch is initially configured, and again after every configuration change.

  1. Access the switch using SSH, and log in as the admin user and password.
  2. Review the current configuration.
    switch# show running-config
  3. Copy the current configuration to a file.

    You copy the current configuration to a file on the database server or storage server, using the format:

    switch# copy running-config tftp://hostname/directory_name/switch_name-start-config.back

    You can use any of the supported transport schemes on the RoCE Network Fabric switch: tftp, ftp, scp or sftp. The hostname is the address or name of the remote server, and the directory_name is the path to the directory that contains the file on the remote server.The hostname, directory_name, and file name are case sensitive.

  4. Exit from the session.
    switch# exit