4.13.5 Change Time Zone Settings on the Cisco Management Network Switch

You can change the time zone setting on the Ethernet switch.

  1. Use Telnet to connect to the Ethernet switch.
  2. Use the enable command to enter privileged mode.
  3. Use the configure terminal command to begin configuration.
  4. Set the clock using the following commands:
    1. To change the time zone:
      clock timezone zone hours_offset minutes_offset

      In the preceding syntax:

      • zone is the name of the time zone to be displayed when standard time is in effect. The default time zone is UTC.

      • hours_offset is the hours offset from UTC

      • minutes_offset are the minutes offset from UTC

    2. To set summer time (daylight savings time) in areas where it starts and ends on a particular day of the week each year, use the following command:
      clock summer-time zone recurring [week day month  hh:mm week day month  hh:mm[offset]]

      In the preceding syntax, the values of week day month hh:mm are listed twice, once for the starting time and again for the ending time.

      • recurring specifies that summer time starts and ends on the specified days every year. Summer time is disabled by default. If you specify clock summer-time zone recurring without any other parameters, the summer time rules default to the United States rules.

      • week is the week of the month, between 1 to 5. The first occurrence of week is the start date and the second occurrence is the end date.

      • day is the day of the week, such as Sunday or Monday. The first occurrence of week is the start date and the second occurrence is the end date.

      • month is the month, such as January or June. The first occurrence of week is the start date and the second occurrence is the end date.

      • hh:mm is the time in 24-hour format in hours and minutes, such as 15:42

      • offset is the number of minutes to add during summer time. The default is 60.

Example 4-3 Setting the Time Zone on the Ethernet Switch

The following is an example of setting the time zone to US Eastern time with summer time enabled:

$ telnet dbmcisco-ip
Connected to switch name
Escape character is '^]'.

User Access Verification

dmbcisco-ip#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
dmbcisco-ip(config)#clock timezone EST -5 0
dmbcisco-ip(config)#clock summer-time EDT recurring
dmbcisco-ip#write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 6421 bytes to 2041 bytes[OK]
dmbcisco-ip#show clock
12:03:43.516 EDT Wed May 12 2012