2.12.9 Clone Oracle Database Homes to the Replacement Database Server

The following procedure describes how to clone the Oracle Database homes to the replacement server.

Run the commands from a working database server as the oracle user. When the root user is needed to run a command, it will be called out.

  1. Add the Oracle Database ORACLE_HOME to the replacement database server using the following commands:
    $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/
    $ ./addnode.sh -silent "CLUSTER_NEW_NODES={replacement_server}"

    The second command causes Oracle Universal Installer to copy the Oracle Database software to the replacement database server.

    WARNING: The following configuration scripts need to be executed as the "root"
    user in each cluster node.
    /u01/app/oracle/product/ #On nodes dm01db01
    To execute the configuration scripts:
    Open a terminal window.
    Log in as root.
    Run the scripts on each cluster node.

    After the scripts are finished, the following messages appear:

    The Cluster Node Addition of /u01/app/oracle/product/ was successful.
    Please check '/tmp/silentInstall.log' for more details.
  2. Run the following script on the replacement database server:
    # /u01/app/oracle/product/

    Check the /u01/app/orcale/product/ file for the output of the script.

  3. Run the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) in interactive mode to add database instances to the target nodes.
    1. Start up DBCA.

      $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/
      $ ./dbca
    2. On the Database Operation screen, select Instance Management. Click Next.

    3. On the Instance Operation screen, select Add an instance. Click Next.

    4. On the Database List screen, select the cluster database to which you want to add an instance.

    5. The List Instance screen displays the current instances. Click Next to add a new instance.

    6. The Add Instance screen displays the default name and the newly added node to the cluster. Accept the defaults and click Next.

    7. On the Summary screen, verify the plan and click Finish.

    8. On the Progress screen, watch for 100% completion.

    9. On the Finish screen, acknowledge the confirmation that the new instance was successfully added.

    Verify that the instance has been added:

    $ srvctl config database -db dbm01

    Verify the administrative privileges on the target node:

    $ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/
    $ ./cluvfy comp admprv -o db_config -d /u01/app/oracle/product/ -n new_node
  4. Ensure the instance parameters are set for the replaced database instance. The following is an example for the CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS parameter.
    SQL> SHOW PARAMETER cluster_interconnects
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------       --------    -------------------------
    cluster_interconnects                string
    SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET cluster_interconnects='' SCOPE=spfile SID='dbm1';
  5. Validate the configuration files as follows:
    • The Oracle_home/dbs/initSID.ora file points to the SPFILE in the Oracle ASM shared storage.

    • The password file that is copied in the Oracle_home/dbs directory has been changed to orapwSID.

  6. Check that any services that incorporated this instance before and ensure the services are updated to include this replacement instance.
  7. If this procedure was performed on Oracle Exadata Eighth Rack, then perform the procedure described in Configuring Oracle Exadata Database Machine Eighth Rack Oracle Linux Database Server After Recovery.