2.7.2 Configuring the Additional Network Card for a Non-Oracle VM Environment

You can configure the additional network card on an Oracle Exadata X6-2 or later database server for a non-Oracle VM environment.

This procedure assumes that you have already installed the network card in the Oracle Exadata database server but have not yet completed the configuration with Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA).


If you have already installed Oracle Grid Infrastructure on Oracle Exadata, then refer to the Oracle Clusterware documentation. Use caution when changing the network interfaces for the cluster.
  1. Ensure you have the following information for the new network card.
    You will need to input this information when you run ipconf.pl.
    • IP address
    • Netmask
    • Gateway
  2. Run the ipconf.pl script to configure the card.

    The following example shows a sample ipconf.pl session. The output shows three network cards:

    • A quad port 10Gb card, on eth0 to eth3
    • A dual port 10Gb card, on eth4 and eth5, with only one port cabled
    • A dual port 10Gb card, on eth6 and eth7, with only one port cabled. This is the new network card.

    For sample output for Oracle Exadata X7-2, see Viewing the Network Interfaces.

    # cd /opt/oracle.cellos/
    # ./ipconf.pl
    Logging started to /var/log/cellos/ipconf.log
    Interface ib0   is                      Linked.    hca: mlx4_0
    Interface ib1   is                      Linked.    hca: mlx4_0
    Interface eth0  is                      Linked.    driver/mac: 
    ixgbe/00:10:e0:8b:22:e8 (slave of vmeth0)
    Interface eth1  is                      Linked.    driver/mac: 
    ixgbe/00:10:e0:8b:22:e9 (slave of bondeth0)
    Interface eth2  is                      Linked.    driver/mac: 
    ixgbe/00:10:e0:8b:22:e9 (slave of bondeth0)
    Interface eth3  is                      Linked.    driver/mac: 
    Interface eth4  is                      Linked.    driver/mac: 
    Interface eth5  is .................... Unlinked.  driver/mac: 
    Interface eth6  is ...                  Linked.    driver/mac: 
    Interface eth7  is .................... Unlinked.  driver/mac: 
    bondeth0 eth1,eth2 UP      vmbondeth0  SCAN       test08client02.example.com
    bondeth1 None      UNCONF 
    bondeth2 None      UNCONF 
    bondeth3 None      UNCONF 
    Select interface name to configure or press Enter to continue: eth6
    Selected interface. eth6
    IP address or up or none:
    Gateway (IP address or none) or none:
    Select network type for interface from the list below
    1: Management
    2: SCAN
    3: Other
    Network type: 3
    Fully qualified hostname or none: test08adm02-bkup.example.com
    Continue configuring or re-configuring interfaces? (y/n) [y]: n
    Do you want to configure basic ILOM settings (y/n) [y]: n
    [Info]: Custom changes have been detected in /etc/sysconfig/network-script
    [Info]: Original file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth6 will be 
    saved in /opt/oracle.cellos/conf/network-scripts/backup_by_Exadata_ipconf
    [Info]: Original file /etc/ssh/sshd_config will be saved in /etc/ssh/sshd_
    [Info]: Generate /etc/ssh/sshd_config with ListenAddress(es),,,,
    Stopping sshd:                                             [  OK  ]
    Starting sshd:                                             [  OK  ]
    [Info]: Save /etc/sysctl.conf in /etc/sysctl.conf.backupbyExadata
    [Info]: Adjust settings for IB interfaces in /etc/sysctl.conf
    Re-login using new IP address if you were disconnected after 
    following commands
    ip addr show vmbondeth0
    ip addr show bondeth0
    ip addr show vmeth0
    ip addr show eth0
    ifup eth6
    sleep 1
    ifup vmeth6
    sleep 1
    ip addr show vmeth6
    ip addr show eth6
    sleep 4
    service sshd condrestart
  3. If you need to set up the network card with VLAN, perform these steps:
    1. Add the VLAN ID to the /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf file.
      • Locate the Ethernet interface in the file. For example:

      • Add the VLAN ID to the <Vlan_id> element. The following example shows the interface configured with VLAN ID of 2122.

    2. Run the following command to configure the network interface using the modified cell.conf file:
      # /opt/oracle.cellos/ipconf.pl -init -force
    3. Validate the interface has the VLAN configured by checking that the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory contains files with the VLAN ID in the filename. For example, if the VLAN ID is 2122, you should see the following files:
      # ls -ltr /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/*2122*
      -rw-r----- 1 root root 250 Sep  7 14:39 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth6.2122
      -rw-r----- 1 root root  85 Sep  7 14:39 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth6.2122
      -rw-r----- 1 root root  56 Sep  7 14:39 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/rule-eth6.2122
  4. Reboot the database server for the changes to take effect.
    # shutdown -r now
  5. Check that the network is working by pinging the gateway. For example:
    # ping