
The CREATE THRESHOLD command creates a threshold object that specifies the conditions for generation of a metric alert.


CREATE THRESHOLD name attributename=value [, attributename=value]...

Usage Notes

The attributes that can be specified are comparison, critical, occurrences, observation, and warning.

  • The name argument is required. The name is comprised of a metric name and an object name with the format metricName.objectName, such as db_io_rq_sm_sec.db123 or ct_io_wt_rq.interactive.. Use the LIST METRICCURRENT metric command to display the available object name for metric. The object name is optional.

  • When a object name is not specified, then the threshold is applied to all metric objects for the given metric.

  • The comparison attribute is required with a condition value. The value must be '<', '<=', '=', '>=', or '>'.

  • The occurrences attribute specifies the number of consecutive measurements over the threshold value that trigger a state change.

    When specifying occurrences and observations, you need the specified number of consecutive occurrences of sample averages over the number of observations to cause an alert. For example, if the following five observations (observations=5) happen on a database server, then the average sample would be 10 because the number of consecutive occurrences (occurrences=2) had values of 5 and 15.

    Observation 1: 0
    Observation 2: 30
    Observation 3: 0
    Observation 4: 5
    Observation 5: 15
  • The observation attribute is the number of measurements over which measured values are averaged.

  • A state change to the value set in warning or critical causes a stateful alert to be generated.

Example 9-36 Creating a Threshold

This example shows how to create a threshold.

DBMCLI> CREATE THRESHOLD temp comparison='>', critical=30

See Also: