10.4 Differences in Commands Between ExaCLI and DBMCLI/CellCLI

ExaCli supports the exact same command syntax as DBMCLI and CellCLI.

Not all CellCLI commands can be run through ExaCLI. The following commands are not supported on ExaCLI:

  • Restarting cell services (the restart option in the ALTER CELL command)

  • Starting cell services (the startup option in the ALTER CELL command)

  • Shutting down cell services (the shutdown option in the ALTER CELL command)

  • User management commands (CREATE USER, ALTER USER, DROP USER)

  • Role management commands (CREATE ROLE, DROP ROLE, GRANT ROLE, REVOKE ROLE)

  • Privilege management commands (GRANT PRIVILEGE, REVOKE PRIVILEGE)



  • HELP

  • Getting the following cell attributes: rsStatus, cellsrvStatus, msStatus using the LIST CELL command

  • SET