3.8.6 Dropping Storage Servers using OEDACLI

OEDACLI provides the interface to drop storage servers for different configuration such as Bare Metal, single Oracle VM or multiple Oracle VMs.

The procedure to remove the grid disks from the disk groups and drop the objects on the storage server is implemented through only a few commands. There is only one rebalance operation triggered, regardless of the number of storage cells dropped.


  • A valid OEDA XML configuration file, reflecting an exact list of the compute nodes and storage cells used in the environment to be expanded. The first step in this task generates a new OEDA XML configuration file to ensure that the current configuration is used.
  • OEDACLI must run on a machine that has network access to the database servers (bare metal or guest domains) and the storage servers.
  1. Generate a new OEDA XML configuration file, reflecting an exact list of the current database servers and storage servers used in the environment.
    Use the OEDA DISCOVER command, where the dirname usually is the directory where OEDACLI is installed and host_names_list is the list of nodes to be discovered, separated by commas or spaces, for example, 'dbnode1,dbnode2,celadm01,celadm02'.
    DISCOVER ES hostnames='host_names_list' location='dirname'

    For an environment with multiple Oracle VMs, the command generates a global XML configuration file containing information of all clusters, and also one XML configuration file for each cluster. In the following commands, you should use the global XML configuration file instead of a cluster-specific configuration file.

  2. Create an OEDACLI script to update the XML configuration file using OEDACLI.

    In this example, the WAIT option is set to TRUE, which means each rebalance operation is run sequentially. After the rebalance for the last disk group has completed, the storage servers are removed from the configuration.

    Save the following commands in a file named drop_cell_cluster.cmd. In this example, two storage servers are being removed: celadm04 and celadm05. In this example, the clustername q1-vm01 is used. You should replace this with the name of your cluster.

    ALTER CLUSTER DROPCELLS='celadm04,celadm05' power=4, wait=true \
    WHERE clustername=q1-vm01
  3. Run the script drop_cell_cluster.cmd.

    In this example, the oeda_xml_file is the file generated in the first step, and drop_cell_cluster.cmd is the script created in the previous step.

    $ oedacli -c oeda_xml_file -f drop_cell_cluster.cmd

    When you run the script, it drops the grid disks from all the Oracle ASM disk groups configured in the cluster, de-configures the cell (drops objects like flash cache, flash log, cell disks, grid disks, and so on).

  4. Create an OEDACLI script to remove the storage servers, or cells, from the OEDA XML configuration file.

    Save the following commands in a file named drop_cell_xml.cmd.

    DELETE NEWCELL WHERE SRCNAME='celadm04 celadm05'
  5. Run the script drop_cell_xml.cmd.

    In this example, the oeda_xml_file is the file generated in the first step, and drop_cell_xml.cmd is the script created in the previous step.

    $ oedacli -c oeda_xml_file -f drop_cell_xml.cmd

    When you run the script, it removes the information for the storage servers from the OEDA XML configuration file