11.3 exadcli Examples

These examples show how use ExaCLI after the users have been created and granted the necessary privileges.

See Creating Users for Use with ExaCLI for examples of creating users and assigning privileges to them.

For an example of configuring exadcli access to storage cells for the first time, see Using exadcli for the First Time.

Example 11-1 Using the AUTHENTICATE Option to Re-Authenticate exadcli

Connect to nodes dbnode01,dbnode02,dbnode03 as the dbnodeadministrator user and store the credentials in ~/.exacli/cookiejar so that further exadcli commands to the same nodes do not prompt for a password.

$ exadcli -c dbnode01,dbnode02,dbnode03 -l dbnodeadministrator --authenticate

Example 11-2 Using exadcli to View the DBSERVER Information

You can use exadcli to run a command on multiple node, such as listing DBSERVER information.

$ exadcli -c dbnode01,dbnode02,dbnode03 -l dbnodeadministrator list dbserver

Example 11-3 Using exadcli to View the Detailed Cell Information

Using exadcli you can retrieved the detailed cell information for multiple nodes with a single command.

$ exadcli -c cell01,cell02,cell03 -l celladministrator list cell detail

Example 11-4 Using a Node List and Command File with exadcli

You can use input files with exadcli to avoid repeatedly entering the list of nodes to access, or to provide a list of ExaCLI commands to run. This example assumes you have created a text file named mycells or mydbnodes that contains the host names of the remote nodes. This example also uses an input files named cellcommands.txt and dbcommands.txt.

$ cat cellcommands.txt
list cell
list griddisk attributes name, size order by size,name desc
list celldisk where status!=normal attributes name, status

$ exadcli -g mycells -l celladministrator -x cellcommands.txt
cell01: cell01   online
cell01: DBFS_DG_CD_11_cell01     29.125G
cell01: DBFS_DG_CD_10_cell01     29.125G
cell01: DBFS_DG_CD_09_cell01     29.125G
cell02: cell02   online
cell02: DBFS_DG_CD_11_cell02     29.125G
cell02: DBFS_DG_CD_10_cell02     29.125G
cell02: DBFS_DG_CD_09_cell02     29.125G
cell03: cell03   online
cell03: DBFS_DG_CD_11_cell03     29.125G
cell03: DBFS_DG_CD_10_cell03     29.125G
cell03: DBFS_DG_CD_09_cell03     29.125G

$ cat dbcommands.txt
list dbserver
list metriccurrent where objectType='IBPORT'
list physicaldisk

$ exadcli -g mydbnodes -l dbnodeadministrator -x dbcommands.txt
dbnode01: dbnode01         online
dbnode01: N_IB_MB_RCV_SEC     HCA-1:1         0.061 MB/sec
dbnode01: N_IB_MB_RCV_SEC     HCA-1:2         0.001 MB/sec
dbnode01: N_IB_UTIL_TRANS     HCA-4:1         0.0 %
dbnode01: N_IB_UTIL_TRANS     HCA-4:2         0.0 %
dbnode01: 39:0        71HKPE  normal
dbnode01: 39:1        70CFBP  normal
dbnode02: dbnode02         online
dbnode02: N_IB_MB_RCV_SEC     HCA-1:1         0.023 MB/sec
dbnode02: N_IB_MB_RCV_SEC     HCA-1:2         0.036 MB/sec

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