Description of the illustration vm_rac_part.png

The graphic shows 2 OVS/dom0 blocks. Each block contains 2 domU's blocks. Each domU block contains ib0, ib1, clib0, clib1, stib0, and stib1. ib0 connects to clib0 and stib0, and ib1 connects to clib1 and stib1. In the first domU, clib0 and clib1 connect to the InfiniBand switches using pkey 0xa000, and stib0 and stib1 connect to the InfiniBand switches using pkey 0xaa00. In the second domU, clib0 and clib1 connect to the InfiniBand switches using pkey 0xa001, and stib0 and stib1 connect to the InfiniBand switches using pkey 0xaa00.

The dom0 block also contains IB0 and IB1. ib0 in the domU's connect to IB0 using SRIOV. ib1 in the domU's connect to IB1 using SRIOV.

RAC Cluster 1 connects to the first domU's in the dom0 blocks, and RAC Cluster 2 connects to the second domU's in the dom0 blocks. RAC Cluster 1 uses pkey 0xa000 and 0xaa00. RAC Cluster 2 uses pkey 0xa001 and 0xaa00.

The graphic also shows 3 storage cells. Each storage cell contains IB0, IB1, stib0, and stib1. IB0 connects to stib0, and IB1 connects to stib1. Both stib0 and stib1 connect to the InfiniBand switches using pkey 0xaa00.