7.17 list Command

Use the --list command to display information about guests.


To view information about disk images:

vm_maker --list --disk-image [ --domain guest_name ]

To view information about guests:

vm_maker --list --domain [ guest_name [ --detail ]] 

To view information about virtual CPU configuration for guests:

vm_maker --list --vcpu [ --domain guest_name ]

To view information about memory configuration for guests:

vm_maker --list --memory [ --domain guest_name ]


  • --disk-image: List all shared disk images in /EXAVMIMAGES.
  • –-domain: List all guests and their status. If you include the guest name, then the information displayed is limited to that guest.
  • --vcpu: List the virtual CPU usage for the entire system.
  • --memory: List the memory usage for the entire system.

Optional Arguments

  • --domain guest_name: Limits the information displayed to a single guest.
  • --detail: Enables detailed output.