5.5 Monitoring Oracle VMs with Oracle Enterprise Manager

The Exadata plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager discovers, manages, and monitors virtualized Oracle Exadata Database Machine in conjunction with the Virtualization Infrastructure plug-in of Oracle Enterprise Manager.

With virtualized Exadata, one Exadata Database Machine target is created for each physical Database Server instead of one DB Machine target for each DB cluster deployed through Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA). Compute nodes, Exadata Storage Servers, InfiniBand switches, compute node ILOM, PDU, KVM, and Cisco switch targets are discovered by the Exadata plug-in. The physical server (physical Oracle Server target), Dom0 (Virtual Platform target), and DomU (virtual Oracle Server target) are discovered and monitored by the Virtualization Infrastructure (VI) plug-in.
  • Refer to Virtualized Exadata Database Machine in Oracle Enterprise Manager Exadata Management Getting Started Guide for instructions on how to discover Oracle VM domains on Oracle Exadata Database Machine.