3.6.1 Monitoring the Status of M.2 Disks

You can monitor the status of a M.2 disk by checking its attributes with the CellCLI LIST PHYSICALDISK command.

The disk firmware maintains the error counters, and marks a drive with Predictive Failure when the disk is about to fail. The drive, not the cell software, determines if it needs replacement.

  • Use the CellCLI command LIST PHSYICALDISK to determine the status of a M.2 disk:
             name:                           M2_SYS_0
               deviceName:                  /dev/sdm
               diskType:                      M2Disk
               makeModel:                    "INTEL SSDSCKJB150G7"
             physicalFirmware:         N2010112
             physicalInsertTime:      2017-07-14T08:42:24-07:00
             physicalSerial:            PHDW7082000M150A
             physicalSize:               139.73558807373047G
             slotNumber:                  "M.2 Slot: 0"
             status:                failed
             name:                  M2_SYS_1        
             deviceName:            /dev/sdn
             diskType:              M2Disk
             makeModel:             "INTEL SSDSCKJB150G7"
             physicalFirmware:      N2010112
             physicalInsertTime:    2017-07-14T12:25:05-07:00
             physicalSerial:        PHDW708200SZ150A
             physicalSize:          139.73558807373047G
             slotNumber:            "M.2 Slot: 1"
             status:                normal

    The Exadata Storage Server M.2 disk statuses are:

    • normal

    • not present

    • failed

    • warning - predictive failure