8.6.4 Recommended Timeline for Updating Oracle Exadata Storage Server


It is highly recommended to validate Oracle Exadata System Software updates on test systems before doing them on production systems.

By following the approach below, you allow yourself time to perform any necessary corrective actions.

Table 8-10 Timeline for Performing Updates

When Tasks

Weeks to days before the update

  • Download the Oracle Exadata System Software update you require from My Oracle Support note 888828.1

  • Download the latest Exachk from My Oracle Support note 1070954.1

  • Review the release-specific My Oracle Support note for known issues

  • Run Exachk

  • Perform prerequisite check. See Preparing Exadata Storage Servers for Update for details.

  • Correct findings that need attention and re-run the above steps as needed.

At update time

  • Download the Oracle Exadata System Software update from My Oracle Support note 888828.1

  • Download the latest Exachk from My Oracle Support note 1070954.1

  • Review the release-specific My Oracle Support note for known issues

  • Run Exachk and perform corrective actions as needed

  • Perform prerequisite check and corrective actions as needed.

  • Perform the update. See Running the Update for Exadata Storage Servers for details.

After the update

  • Run Exachk.