7.23 remove-domain Command

Use the --remove-domain command to stop and remove a specific guest or all guests.


vm_maker --remove-domain { guest_name | --all [ --reset-kvmhost ]}


  • guest_name: The name of a specific guest to shutdown and then delete. You can use --all instead of a single guest name if you want to remove all guests.
  • --reset-kvmhost: Resets the system to the state when the KVM host had no guests. This option can only be used when you specify --all for the guest name.

Usage Notes

When you use the --remove-domain command vm_maker forces a shutdown of the guest and deletes it. If -- all is specified for the guest name, then the command shutdowns and deletes all guests and intermediate image files. Underlying network bridges are removed if they are not being used anymore.

If you include the option --reset-kvmhost, then the system is reset to the state it was in before the guests were created.