4.7.3 Restoring Settings on a Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric Switch

You can restore the Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric switch settings from a backup.

The following procedure outlines how to restore Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric switch settings from a backup. This procedure can also be used to restore golden configuration settings on a switch prior to Oracle Exadata System Software release 20.1.0.


Oracle Exadata System Software release 20.1.0 contains a simplified and enhanced procedure for applying golden configuration settings on the RoCE Network Fabric switches. See Applying Golden Configuration Settings on Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 RoCE Network Fabric Switches.

  1. Access the switch using SSH, and log in as the admin user and password.
  2. Delete any existing backup configuration (or golden configuration) file on the switch for the configuration you are restoring.

    The golden configuration files are:

    • Single rack leaf (leaf): roce_leaf_switch.cfg
    • Multi-rack spine (mspine): roce_spine_switch_multi.cfg
    • Multi-rack leaf (mleaf): roce_leaf_switch_multi.cfg
    • Single rack leaf with Secure Fabric support (sfleaf): roce_sf_leaf_switch.cfg
    • Multi-rack leaf with Secure Fabric support (msfleaf): roce_sf_leaf_switch_multi.cfg
    • Single rack leaf configured with 23 host ports (leaf23): roce_leaf_switch_23hosts.cfg
    • Multi-rack leaf configured with 23 host ports (mleaf23): roce_leaf_switch_23hosts_multi.cfg
    • Multi-rack leaf configured with 14 inter-switch links (mleaf_u14): roce_leaf_switch_14uplinks_multi.cfg
    • Multi-rack leaf configured with 14 inter-switch links and with Secure Fabric support (msfleaf_u14): roce_sf_leaf_switch_14uplinks_multi.cfg
    • Multi-rack leaf configured with 23 host ports and 13 inter-switch links (mleaf23_u13): roce_leaf_switch_23hosts_13uplinks_multi.cfg


    If you do not remove the file you are replacing, then when you attempt to overwrite the file you will get a 'permission denied' error.

    For example:

    rack3sw-rocea0# delete bootflash:roce_leaf_switch.cfg
    Do you want to delete "/roce_leaf_switch.cfg" ? (yes/no/abort) [y] y
  3. Copy the backup configuration file (or golden configuration file) to the switch.

    For example:

    [root@server_hostname ~]# scp roce_leaf_switch.cfg admin@
    User Access Verification
    roce_leaf_switch.cfg 100% 23KB 23.5KB/s 00:00


    You can use any of the supported transport schemes on the RoCE Network Fabric switch: tftp, ftp, scp or sftp.

    If you are restoring a golden configuration file (instead of restoring a backup configuration file), you can restore the appropriate golden configuration file based on your system configuration and type of switch. The files are located within the patchmgr switch bundle in the roce_switch_templates/ directory.

  4. Apply the backup configuration (or golden configuration) file.

    Choose one of the following.

    1. If you are restoring a backup configuration file, apply the backup configuration using the following commands.

      In the following example, the backup configuration file being restored is running-config.bak. Adjust the command to suit your backup file name.

      rack3sw-rocea0# copy bootflash:running-config.bak startup-config
      rack3sw-rocea0# reload
    2. If you are applying a golden configuration file, use the following commands.

      In the following example, the golden configuration file being applied is roce_leaf_switch.cfg. Adjust the command to suit the golden configuration file that you want to apply.

      rack3sw-rocea0# run-script bootflash:roce_leaf_switch.cfg | grep 'none'
      rack3sw-rocea0# copy running-config startup-config


      The run-script command may take up to 1-2 minutes on single-rack switch and up to 3-4 minutes on a multi-rack switch.
  5. Exit from the session.
    rack3sw-rocea0# exit