9.7.8 REVOKE


The REVOKE command removes privileges and roles.


REVOKE object_type [name] FROM sub_object_type [sub_object_name]

Usage Notes

  • object_type can be as follows:


    • ROLE

  • The following can be used for PRIVILEGE object type:

    • name is in the following format:

      { ALL ACTIONS | action } ON { ALL OBJECTS | object }  { ALL ATTRIBUTES | \
      ATTRIBUTES attribute1 [, attribute2, ...] }  { WITH ALL OPTIONS |        \
      WITH OPTIONS option1 [, option2, ...] }
    • The sub_object_type must be ROLE.

    • The sub_object_name is a role name, a comma-delimited list of role names, or the keyword ALL.

  • The following can be used for the ROLE object type:

    • name is a role name, a comma-delimited list of role names, or the keyword ALL.

    • The sub_object_type must be USER.

    • The sub_object_name is the name of the user, a comma-delimited list of user names, or the keyword ALL.