8.6.7 Rolling Back Updates for Exadata Storage Servers

You can roll back updated Exadata storage servers only when they are updated successfully. This means the imageinfo command must return success for active image status. Storage servers with incomplete or failed updates cannot be rolled back. Rollbacks can be done in a rolling or non-rolling fashion.

  1. Check the version that the storage servers will be rolled back to and the flashCacheMode setting with the following commands:

    [root@dm01 ]# dcli -l root -g cell_group imageinfo -ver -inactive
    [root@dm01 ]# dcli -l root -g cell_group cellcli -e 'list cell attributes flashCacheMode


    If you need to roll back storage servers to releases earlier than release with writeback flash cache enabled, you need to convert the flash cache to writethrough flash cache before performing the rollback action. Disable the writeback flash cache using the script in My Oracle Support note 1500257.1. Storage servers being rolled back to release or later retain the flash cache mode that is currently set.

  2. Check the prerequisites for rollback using the following command:

    [root@dm01 ]# ./patchmgr -cells cell_group -rollback_check_prereq [-rolling]
  3. Perform the rollback.

    Example of a non-rolling rollback run as root:

    [root@dm01 ]# ./patchmgr -cells ~/cell_group -rollback

    Example of a rolling rollback run as a non-root user:

    [oracle@nonExadataHost ]#./patchmgr -cells ~/cell_group -rollback -rolling -log_dir auto


    Firmware updates are not rolled back when rolling back to a previous image. After rolling back, run the following command to apply older firmware versions when needed:

    /etc/init.d/lsidiag stop
    /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd stop
    /opt/oracle.cellos/CheckHWnFWProfile -action updatefw -mode exact
  4. Clean up the Exadata storage servers using the -cleanup option to clean up all the temporary update or rollback files. This option cleans the stale update and rollback states as well as cleaning up to 1.5 GB of disk space on the Exadata storage servers. Use this option before retrying a halted or failed run of the patchmgr utility.

    [root@dm01 ]# ./patchmgr -cells cell_group -cleanup